Young Lion of Judah Program

A unique B’nai Mitzvah project for students becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

In addition to choosing individual volunteer opportunities, the Jewish Volunteer Center is partnering with the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, a committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation to pair students with Holocaust survivors who never had the chance to become B’nai Mitzvah. Students will spend time with a Holocaust survivor while working toward completing 10 hours of community service. Projects include learning about the Holocaust, touring the Holocaust Memorial with survivors, and beautifying and planting at the Memorial.

Students are asked to honor their survivor partner during their Bar or Bat Mitzvah service and make a gift of $180 to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign. They will receive a certificate of completion and their Young Lion of Judah jewelry gift – a silver bracelet for girls and a silver talit clip for boys.

For an application or for more ways to become a Young Lion of Judah, please contact Jewish Volunteer Center Director Lori Tabachnikoff at 786.866.8380 or [email protected].

Space is limited to 25 participants.

Learn more by watching our video below.

Click here to download the Teen Volunteer Registration Form.

Young Lion of Judah Sign-Up Form

Volunteer Sign-Up Form

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