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A Statement from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and its Jewish Community Relations Council on the Onslaught of Rocket Attacks in Israel

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation and its Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) strongly condemn the barrage of rocket fire and incendiary balloons launched from Gaza by Hamas and Islamic Jihad that began on Monday, May 10 and has continued through today.

We are deeply concerned about this major escalation of violence by these two terrorist organizations utilizing hundreds of rockets aimed at heavily populated areas in Israel causing deaths and injuries. The attacks have been widespread from small towns surrounding Jerusalem to the heart of the country in Tel Aviv and have forced millions of Israelis into safe rooms and bomb shelters causing trauma and fear. Schools are closed and everyday life has come to a standstill.

The recent wave of provocative attacks must end with an immediate ceasefire. By forcing Israel to retaliate to protect its citizens, these extremist groups are responsible for deaths on both sides of the conflict.

We unequivocally stand with the people of Israel and support Israel’s right to defend itself and do all that it can to stop these attacks on its civilians at once. Many members of Miami’s Jewish community have children, grandchildren, extended family and friends in harm’s way at this very moment and we join them in praying for their safety and wellbeing. We extend our prayers for a speedy recovery – refu’ah sh’leymah – to all those injured and mourn for all innocent lives lost during these senseless attacks.


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