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ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS: The Bedouin of Galilee - January 18th

ENCOUNTER | The Bedouin of Galilee

MONDAY, JANUARY 18 @ 9pm ET / 6pm PT

The many Arab Bedouin tribes who reside within Israel are divided into northern (Galilee) and southern (Negev) communities. Join Anat on a journey north to meet with outstanding Israeli Bedouins who call the Galilee home for generations. Discover a traditional Bedouin coffee ceremony, meet Israel’s first Bedouin Ambassador, visit a Bedouin women’s co-op, interview the first Israeli Bedouin woman to be elected to public office, and listen as an Israeli Bedouin teacher describes the fascinating history of his tribe, including when and how they arrived and settled in the Galilee.

Presented by Anat Harrel



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