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The Greater Miami Jewish Federation and JCRC Welcome Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire, Aspire for Peaceful Coexistence

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation and its Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) welcome the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups. Even after an 11-day onslaught of more than 4,000 rockets that were intended to sow destruction and indiscriminately murder as many Israelis as possible, we are eternally longful that the cessation of violence will be sustainable and lasting, and ultimately lead to permanent peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

However, any durable peace agreement will require Hamas to lay down its arms, change its violent ideology and reconsider its aims and goals. A rogue terrorist entity whose charter overtly seeks the obliteration of Israel cannot be permitted to fire indiscriminately across borders at Israel’s inhabitants. Israel — and Jewish people — have the right to defend themselves.

Federation and its JCRC will continue to support Israel and its people, and through our partners on the ground, we will lend our hand to the rebuilding of communities and lives shattered during the current wave of violence. We are grateful to our elected officials on both sides of the aisle who maintained moral clarity by expressing unwavering support for Israel’s right to protect itself and its citizens.

As calm returns to the region, we continue to mourn the innocent Palestinian and Israeli lives lost on both sides of the conflict. May they know no more sorrow and may this ceasefire represent a meaningful step toward peaceful coexistence.


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