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Federation Responds to Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria with Emergency Relief Fund

When devastating earthquakes rocked Turkey and Syria earlier this week, killing thousands and injuring tens of thousands more, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation immediately responded with an emergency relief fund to bolster support for our overseas partners already on the ground administering critical humanitarian aid.

Be Part of the Community's Response

Please click here to make a secure donation now to the Turkey-Syria Earthquakes Emergency Fund online. Among the organizations assisting in the rescue and relief organizations are Federation partners including IsraAID, distributing life-saving assistance and winter items in Turkey, where the impact of the earthquake coupled with freezing conditions have left those affected by the catastrophic events extra vulnerable. IsraAID’S emergency response team includes specialists in water filtration, sanitation and hygiene; mental health and emergency logistics to bring urgent help to those in dire need. Overseas partner United Hatzalah of Israel has sent a delegation of 25 first responders and experts in search and rescue to Turkey to assist in rescue operations and provide medical assistance. Magen David Adom, another Federation beneficiary, will support Israel’s military rescue delegation in Turkey, sending paramedics and EMTs trained in rescuing the injured from the rubble and treating “crush syndrome,” a potentially fatal condition. As always, Federation will absorb all administrative costs so that 100 percent of funds collected for the Turkey-Syria Earthquakes Emergency Fund will go directly to those impacted by the disaster.

You may also call 305.576.4000 to make a donation.


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