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It's Happening In Miami

Posts by chabad c

Film: Finding Mashiach

Join Berel Solomon on an action-packed new movie called Finding Mashiach. An adventure to the land of Israel and beyond, amid the war in Israel and Gaza, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and the Presidential election, global unrest has made the world appear darker than ever. Some might think we're heading toward Armageddon, rapture, the end of days, apocalypse, the Day of Judgment, or the resurrection of the dead. What is really going on? How does Judaism differ from Christianity, Islam, and other major religions on the subject of the Messiah? The whole world seems to be shaking, and all the major Jewish rabbis and theologians agree: the time is now. Movie at 5:45. Followed by Mincha Services & Break-Fast Full Tisha B'Av Schedule & RSVP at (305)770-1919 or

Jungle Purim

Sunday, March 24, 4 PM, Gan Chabad Garden

Entertainment, Megillah & Grand Seudah Banquet in the Purim Jungle. For men, women and children of ALL AGES! RSVP required.


Event poster

Optional Family Sponsor: $260

For information or to RSVP call (305) 770-1919.

#Chabad #YJP #ChabadChayil

Cosponsor or place your logo on this event at

First Aid & CPR Course - FREE

Approximately 2 hour course. No charge for course. Limited space. Option for certification $55.
Sunday, March 3, 4:30pm Chabad Chayil 2601 NE 211 Ter, Miami, FL 33180 Cost: No charge RSVP by calling (305) 770-1919 or

First Aid & CPR Course - FREE

Approximately 2 hour course. No charge for course. Limited space. Option for certification $55.
Sunday, Oct 15, 4:30pm Chabad Chayil 2601 NE 211 Ter, Miami, FL 33180 Cost: No charge RSVP by calling (305) 770-1919 or

Catered Holiday Dinner in Sukkah

Sept 29 &/or Saturday Sept 30 The Family Shul - 2601 NE 211 Terrace, Miami, FL 33180 Join us for an outdoor delicious Sukkot dinner in our grand Sukkah.. spiced with stories, song, Torah learning and camaraderie. For more info call (305) 770-1919 or go to Suggested Donation: $60 Member / $100 Visitor Link:

Kaparot כפרות

Thursday, Sept 21, 5:30-10 p.m.

Chabad Chayil behind the construction site of 2601 NE 211 Terrace, Miami.

Chickens available by reservation only. Instructions regarding how to do Kaparot with chickens or money at

Click here for reservations and Kaparot instructions

Get your own Lulav & Etrog set

Get your own Lulav & Etrog set for $54. Limited supply. Please call (305) 770-1919 or visit

Outdoor HH Service - Tashlich & Shofar in Park

Sunday, Sept 17, 6:00pm Highland Lakes Park, 209th Street Entrance - Across Playground. A short High Holiday Service, for all Men, Women & Children. No Membership or Experience Necessary. Walk from Chabad Chayil at 5:40. Full schedule at

Direct link

Shaimos Genizah Burial

Sept 11-13 9:00-5:00 Chabad Chayil Construction Site 2601 NE 211 Terr Miami, FL 33180

$26 Per box suggested donation towards building fund Pay at and indicate in notes what its for Drop boxes outside preschool office

Holy items no longer being used that need to be buried include: Siddurs, Torah scrolls, Tefillin, Mezuzah scrolls, Tzitzit or Tallit fringes; Torah books and materials containing G‑d's name. Please note that Kippas, Audio or Video materials & Challah Covers do not need to be buried.


Saturday Night, Sept 9 Farbrenegen at 12:00pm followed by Selichot at The Family Shul, 2601 NE 211 Terrace, Miami, FL 33180. M-F Selichot at 8:20, followed by Shacharit. Complete Schedule at (305) 770-1919 or