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Center for Jewish Life at BD Happenings Aug 26-30th

The Center for Jewish Life at Beth David Highlights for the week of August 26-30th

If you are interested in joining or learning about our programs, contact Programming Director Noah Schalit at [email protected]

Tuesday, August 27th Shofar Workshop 6:00PM

Tuesday, August 27th Judaism 101 6:00PM

Tuesday/Thursday, August 27th & 29th Spanish 6:00PM

Tuesday, August 27th Honey Mixer 7:15PM

Thursday, August 29th High Holy Day Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM

Friday, August 30th Shabbat 7:00 PM

Saturday, August 31st Shabbat 9:30 AM

Center for Jewish Life at Beth David 2625 SW THIRD Ave., Miami, FL 33129 (305) 854-3911 | [email protected]


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