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Yom HaShoah Service at Temple Sinai of North Dade

WHAT MEAN THESE STONES? Will be the subject of Rabbi Ralph P. Kingsley’s sermon at Sabbath Eve services on Friday, April 13 at Temple Sinai of North Dade where he is Rabbi Emeritus. Rabbi Kingsley recently returned from a trip to his birthplace in Germany where he participated in the dedication of Stolpersteine (Stumbling Stones) in front of residences once inhabited by relatives who were deported and murdered during the Holocaust. The governments of many German cities initiated a program of setting such stones as a perpetual reminder to its citizens of the horrific events of the 1940s and as a warning of what happens when seemingly decent people stand by in silence when injustice is done. The Rabbi will share personal reflections on what was a very emotional experience for him and his son Evan who accompanied him. The Sabbath Eve Service, led by Rabbi Kingsley and Cantor Norman Cohen Falah, will include special readings and music commemorating Yom HaShoah, with the participation of the Synagogue’s Brotherhood and featuring the lighting of memorial candles. It will be preceded at 5:45 by light refreshments and sociability. The public is invited.


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