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Israeli Outdoor Experience!

Hi Miami Jewish Federation!

We wanted to tell you about an opportunity to bring an Israeli Outdoor Experience to your community-

Our company, IOE, offers various educational programs, such as field workshops and outdoor activities to Jewish schools, summer camps, and community centers in the diaspora, seeking to strengthen the individual and the group and deepen their Jewish Identity and connection to Israel.

Our programs vary in length- from half day activities to fully led, multi-day "Shabatonim" / Israeli week / etc. Our experienced and carefully selected staff will guide participants to expand out of their comfort zone, building confidence and developing team work in a fun, friendly environment. We will learn together the basics of outdoor navigation, march as a team with stretchers, solve group challenges, hear inspiring stories and lots more. We lead process the experiences in discussions about camaraderie and responsibility to one’s self and one’s community.

Please let me know if you are interested in hearing more information and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

Looking forward,

Matan Ben-gigi [email protected] +1-646-789-285 Raz Shreiber- [email protected] +972-544-939-364 Elad Mei-rav - [email protected] +972-524-639-069


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