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Results: 1891 to 1900 of 2142

Recipe Muffins - Road to Heaven

Cakes, cakes and biscuits are the all inclusive images for affection and bliss. You can't repel these desserts from those enormous days like Christmas, New Year et cetera. People simply love to devour them and the most well known among those are the biscuits. These are little in estimate however their taste says a lot for them. This conventional sweet, an oldie but a goodie, still has a similar appeal about it, recipe biscuits have developed in the current past, which has just added to the development and ubiquity of this dish. The world still gets itself awestruck by its lowering characteristics.

Recipe biscuits like blueberry, butterscotch, and cinnamon have supplanted the conventional ones like chocolate and apple. Those new additional flavors have positively taken this biscuit brotherhood to awesome statures. People now have numerous alternatives; they have a tremendous pool of biscuits to pick from which was unquestionably not the situation in the prior days. People who don't care for corn biscuits can without much of a stretch switch towards the banana ones; there are simply an excessive number of recipe biscuits accessible everywhere throughout the market. These different varieties in the sweet recipes have just added all the more sweet to these otherworldly biscuits.

The recipe biscuits pretty much still continue as before however those unpretentious varieties which one can make in setting them up, take them to an unheard of level. There are several recipes on the best way to make a delightful biscuit. Some are the regular ones, yet there a few recipes of which one may not in any case knew about like the zucchini biscuits. It isn't so much that these cutting edge recipes are extremely confused or something, simply the flavors are being blended and matched until the point when the right adjust has been found. There is no tallied number of flavors, with each passing day something new dependably flies out in the market. find more cooking recipes go here

Experimentation with recipe biscuits has not halted and in all likelihood it will never stop.It is anything but difficult to prepare these biscuits, so the extent of changing the fixings gets more extensive. With little information about cooking you can without much of a stretch get ready biscuits at home with your own particular best flavors. It's anything but difficult to make your own biscuit recipe and let your family and companions realize that you have an inventive personality. There are next to no odds for you to turn out badly in these biscuits as they are exceptionally straightforward and the sweetness inside it is dependably there to deal with the rest.

So making biscuits is no advanced science, they have one of the most straightforward recipes which desserts can ever have. Experiment with the more intriguing ones alongside the more basic recipes, biscuits are only there for you, regardless of whether you are a child or an adult, it doesn't matter.Just get your most loved flavor and a biscuit recipe will be there up for the snatch. As stated, there is a considerable measure of fish in the ocean, you simply need to pick your coveted one and it's there for the devour.


Discover the story of the 550,00 brave Jewish Americans who served in World War II, among them Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner and former secretary of state Henry Kissinger. Don't miss GI JEWS, JEWISH AMERICANS IN WWII Thursday, June 14th at 8 PM on WPBT


Discover the story of the 550,00 brave Jewish Americans who served in World War II, among them Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner and former secretary of state Henry Kissinger. Don't miss GI JEWS, JEWISH AMERICANS IN WWII Thursday, June 14th at 8 PM on WPBT

CHAP Annual Dinner 2018

CHAP Dinner at the James Bond Museum in the new Dezerland Park with a simultaneous Children's Program at the adjoining Ninja Lounge! Honoring Bruno & Jenny Bloch - Parents of the Year Michael & Yael Cases - Community Leadership Award Avi & Itta Freundlich - Welcome to the Team CHAP cordially invites you to its Annual Dinner Journal Ads & Reservations at (305) 770-1919 or

Families of Lone Soldiers Meet and Greet

Families of Lone Soldiers (FLS) is coming to Florida. Please register now and plan on joining us at our upcoming Meet & Greet. You will connect with other Lone Soldier families, receive valuable information, and learn about the services available to you as a lone soldier family member. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Link for registration: click here

2018 Festival Yachad Childrens Performance

Festival Yachad Children’s Performance, will be held on Sunday, June 3, at the Julius Littman Theater for the Performing Arts, in North Miami Beach, at 5pm. We will celebrate, through dance, our rich heritage and connection to the Land of Israel featuring colorful costumes, unique musical arrangements and choreography, dramatic sound and light effects, and beautiful scenery.

Tickets may be purchased at the MAR-JCC (305) 932-4200, ext: 152.

Julius Littman Theater for the Performing Arts, in North Miami Beach 17011 NE 19th Ave North Miami Beach

JBS-Jewish Broadcasting Service Highlights May 27-June 2 on Atlantic Broadband CH 168, DIRECTV CH 388, Hotwire CH 269, the Roku streaming player, and at

For an up-to-date schedule, go to

JBS Film Premiere: Jewish Soldiers in Blue & Gray

The story of the 10,000 Jewish soldiers who fought in America's deadliest war, the Civil War -- brother against brother, Jew against Jew, in numbers proportionally higher than other American group, 7,000 for the Union and 3,000 for the Confederacy.

The film shows how some prominent Jews, including Jewish slave-owners, cited the Torah to justify slavery, while others were leaders in the abolitionist movement or established their synagogues as stops on the Underground Railroad.

The film also shows the history of Ulysses S. Grant's infamous "General Order No. 11" expelling Jews from Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi; the rise of Sephardic Jew Judah P. Benjamin to Secretary of State of the Confederacy; the imprisonment of Confederate spy Eugenia Levy Phillips; and the unlikely story of Abraham Lincoln's Jewish doctor who moved through the South as a Union spy.

Oscar-nominated screenwriter John Milius (Apocalypse Now) narrates the film and Sam Waterston is the voice of Abraham Lincoln

Tonight (Sunday) - 9pm & Midnight; Friday - 9pm & 4am

In a series of Memorial Day special programs, JBS pays tribute to all those who served our country in the U.S. Armed Forces and especially honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice

JBS features WWII Veteran Dan Roberts who describes his personal story, including his serving in the European theater, capturing a Nazi officer, being wounded (for which he received the Purple Heart); and his love for Israel and the Jewish People

Today (Sunday): 1-3pm; Monday (Memorial Day): 9-11am, 4:30-6pm, 7-9pm, Midnight-2pm

L'Chayim: Jewish Marine In Iraq

Zach Iscol, a decorated Marine who served two terms in Iraq, explains why he joined the Marines, how he experienced the war and the bonds he forged with his Iraqi translator, and he now feels about military conflict. Today (Sunday) - Noon & 6pm

How Memory Works

Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman, Founding Director of Sinai and Synapses (a CLAL initiative seeking to bridge the religious and scientific worlds), discusses the science of memory and the vital role the power of collective memory plays in both Jewish culture and Jewish history. From Limmud NY 2018 in Princeton, NJ. Tuesday - 8pm & 1am; Thursday - 2pm; Saturday - 11am

Brooklyn Jewish Hall of Fame - Class of 2017

Howard Teich's Brooklyn Jewish Historical Initiative conducts its 3rd annual induction ceremonies into the Brooklyn Jewish Hall of Fame honoring Judith Clurman, David Dubrow, Merle Feld, Ira Glasser, Malcolm Hoenlein, Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Eli Miller, Judge Judy Sheindlin, Norman Siegel, and Assembly Member Helene Weinstein. At the Brooklyn Jewish Historical Society Wednesday - 7:30pm & 1am; Friday - 1:30pm; Saturday - 7:30pm & 1:30am

L'Chayim: Why I Became A Jewish Historian

Three of American Jewry's leading historians explain how they arrived at their chosen field which they write about in a book of 16 essays: "Conversations With Colleagues - on becoming an American Jewish Historian." Jeffrey Gurock (Yeshiva University and the book's editor), Jonathan Sarna (Brandeis University) and Shuly Rubin Schwartz (Jewish Theological Seminary Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3pm

Watch Greater Miami Jewish Federation Sing with Koolulam

The Israel at 70 Miami Mission was full of wonder and ruach, but the last day provided a sense of community that will always be remembered. On Sunday, April 22, participants gathered in the Jerusalem Theatre for a historic — and surprise — event with Koolulam, the Israeli social action singing sensation. In a little less than two hours, our group of more than 800 was divided into three parts, taught the lyrics and harmony to Matisyahu’s “One Day,” and then performed together, creating the first-ever international version of Koolulam’s singing initiative. And it was all caught on video!

South Dade Gives Back

Help collect shoes, backpacks and supplies for high school students living at the Miami Rescue Mission. Then, come together to help stuff the backpacks with school supplies.

Click here to RSVP

JBS-Jewish Broadcasting Service Highlights May 20-26 on Atlantic Broadband CH 168, DIRECTV CH 388, Hotwire CH 269, the Roku streaming player, and at

For the complete program and up-to-date schedule, go to our website,

Paradigm Shift: Campus Assault

Tammi Rossman-Benjamin (University of California & Director, AMCHA Initiative) discusses campus antisemitism involving physical assaults and disrespect of Pro-Israel students and speakers. With Charles Jacobs. Monday - 7:30pm & 2am; Wednesday - 1:30pm

Jonathan Sarna: Colonial Jewry

Jonathan Sarna, Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University, describes the early development of Jewish communities in America in a lecture entitled "An Old Faith in the New World." >From LimmudNY 2018 in Princeton, NJ. Monday - 8pm & 1am; Wednesday - 2pm; Saturday - 8pm & 1am

Jews & Pop Culture

Historian Prof. David Kaufman (HUC-JIR in NYC) discusses the contributions Jews have made to music and comedy of American pop culture - and how these contributions helped Jews settle and thrive in New York City. From Limmud NY 2018 in Princeton, NJ. Tuesday - 8pm & 1am; Thursday - 2pm; Saturday - 7pm & 2am

L'Chayim: Palestinian Textbooks

Marcus Sheff, CEO of the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education in Israel, discusses the way Jews and Israel are depicted in Palestinian Authority textbooks. Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3pm

In The News: Donniel Hartman on Gaza

Donniel Hartman, President of the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, explains why as someone on the center left, he was moved to write about the IDF response to recent riots at the Gaza border Tonight (Sunday) - 11:30pm & 3:30am; Monday - 8:30am & 12:30pm

Posted by Edith Samers,Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel

Results: 1891 to 1900 of 2142