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Results: 1091 to 1100 of 2357

JBS Highlights 3/21- 3/27 Israeli Elections, Passover Services, FIDF Live-Series Premiere, Michael Oren

Watch JBS on Comcast X-1 Box Ch 1684, Atlantic Broadband Ch 168, Hotwire Ch 269, DirecTV Ch 388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to


Passover Seder from Central Synagogue (Live)

Celebrate the Jewish journey from slavery to freedom with Central Synagogue’s Passover Seder, complete with ancient and new traditions, prayers, poetry and song. Live, with Cantor Dan Mutlu, and the Central Synagogue family. Saturday - 6:00pm & 11:00pm

Passover Service From The Hampton Synagogue

Majestic orthodox services for Passover from The Hampton Synagogue, conducted by Founding Senior Rabbi Marc Schneier, Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Cantor Netanel Hershtik and the Hampton Synagogue Choir. Saturday - 7:30pm &12:30am

Passover Seder From The Hampton Synagogue

A complete orthodox Passover seder from The Hampton Synagogue, conducted by Founding Senior Rabbi Marc Schneier, with musical selections performed by Cantor Netanel Hershtik and the Hampton Synagogue choir. Saturday - 8:30pm &1:30am

FIDF Live: Premiere

Meet undercover soldier Shir Peled and other heroic women who are keeping Israel safe and secure on JBS’s premiere episode of “FIDF Live,” a new series from the Friends of the IDF spotlighting the incredible achievements of men and women of the IDF. Hosted by stand-up comedian, author and former Lone Soldier Joel Chasnoff. Monday - 7:30pm & 1:00am; Wednesday - 1:30pm

Biden & Israel: Michael Oren

Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren analyzes the future of US-Israel relations under the new president, and offers predictions about the fourth Israeli elections. A program of The MirYam Institute, with Benjamin Anthony. Monday - 8:00pm & 1:00am; Wednesday - 2:00pm

Elections and Pluralism (Pt 2)

Rabbi Uri Regev (Hiddush) speaks to Knesset Member candidates Alex Kushnir (MK Yisrael Beiteinu) and former IDF Major General Elazar Stern (MK Yesh Atid) in part two of a program by Hiddush on the fourth Israeli elections as it relates to religious freedom and pluralism. Tuesday - 8:00pm & 2:00am; Thursday- 2pm

In The News: Kobi Cohen (Election)

Who’s in the lead of Israel’s national elections, and what are the chances for a sixth Netanyahu government or even a fifth round of elections? Kobi Cohen, political analyst and host of Balagan, Israeli Politics and Society Podcast, shares his insights on In The News. Monday - 6:30pm, 11:30pm; Tuesday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

Thinking Out Loud: Micah Halpern

The prospect of another imminent ZOOM Passover, and what the holiday's exhortation to relish "freedom" means as many of us are receiving our vaccines; and the ongoing phenomenon of the "pay to slay" program, in which the Palestinian Authority financially rewards the families of suicide bombers. Wednesday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm; Thursday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

On L’Chayim

Sunday: Music Industry vs BDS - David Renzer

Former Chairman & CEO of Universal Music Publishing, David Renzer, explains how he formed “Creative Community for Peace” to build bridges with Palestinians, to support artistic freedom and to counter the cultural boycott of Israel. Sunday - 12 Noon & 6pm; Monday - 3pm

Monday: Fran Klagsbrun on Golda Meir

Author Fran Klagsbrun discusses her biography “Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel” which addresses the ways American Jews and Israelis view Israel’s only woman Prime Minister who served during the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Monday - 9:00pm & 12 Midnight; Tuesday - 3:00pm

Tuesday: CEO of the FIDF

Steven Weil, the CEO of the Friends of the IDF, describes his Jewish background and his perspective on Israel and American Jewish life; and discusses his role with the FIDF without ever having served in the Israeli Defenses Forces.
Tuesday - 9:00pm & 2:00am; Wednesday - 3:00pm

Wednesday: The Szyk Haggadah - Irvin Ungar

Irvin Ungar, the leading authority on the life and work of illustrator Arthur Szyk, recounts the remarkable story of how the political artist used his work to fight Hitler, including the creation of the iconic Szyk Haggadah.
Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3:00pm

Thursday: Helen Nash

The author of "New Kosher Cuisine," Helen Nash discusses her personal Jewish journey and why she wrote the most recent of her three kosher cookbooks. Thursday - 9:00pm & 2:00am; Friday - 3:00pm

Talmud Study: Study By Proxy?

When can a Jew fulfill a commandment (a mitzvah) by proxy? Learn the answer as Rabbi Mordecai Becher teaches a Talmudic lesson he calls, "Do It Yourself! - Or Agent 613". Sunday - 9:00am; Tuesday - 9:00am & 4:30pm; Thursday - 7:00pm; Friday - 4:00am

Talmud Study: On Treating Gentiles

Rabbi Mordechai Becher (Senior Lecturer, Gateways) discusses what the Torah, Talmud, and various rabbinical sources teach about the relationship between Jews and Gentiles and the Jews' responsibility to other peoples of the world. Dimensions of the Daf. Sunday - 9:30am; Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:00pm

Talmud Study: Gratitude for Passover

Giving thanks from a Talmudic perspective, including gratitude and positive retribution, is explored using elements of the Exodus story recounted at the Passover seder in this episode of "Dimensions of the Daf" hosted by Rabbi Mordechai Becher. Thursday - 7:30pm; Friday - 4:30am

From The Aleph Bet: Passover-Four Questions

Reading and understanding The Four Questions, recited as part of the Passover Seder, are the focus of this special holiday lesson of "From The Aleph-Bet" series 2. Monday - 9:00am & 5:00pm; Tuesday - 7:00pm; Thursday - 1:00pm; Friday - 5:00am; Saturday - 8:00am

Jewish 101: The Tenth Plague - Choosing Jewish

In an ongoing study of what it means to be a "Jew" by reading the Exodus Story, Rabbi Mark S. Golub discusses the Tenth Plague, the m'zuzah, and the rabbinic notion of a Jew’s "choosing" to be part of the Jewish People. Wednesday - 9am & 4:30pm; Friday - 1:00pm

92nd Street Y: Sacks on Moral Compass

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l discusses his feeling that people need to find meaning in life and the pendulum has swung too far toward secularism and an over-emphasis on technology. In conversation with David Brooks of the NY Times at the 92Y in NY. Today (Sunday) - 8:00pm & 2:00am; Monday - 10:00pm; Tuesday - 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Saturday - 1:00am & 4:00pm

Friday Evening Shabbat Services

Reform: Central Synagogue 6:00pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue With Hebrew, Transliteration And English Subtitles 7:30pm & 10:30pm

Saturday Morning Shabbat Services

Reform: Central Synagogue 9:30am & 1pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue With Hebrew, Transliteration And English Subtitles 11:00am & 2:30pm

Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

The Passover Seder in the Aftermath of the Pandemic 03/24-04/04

by Rabbi Moishe Kievman

Chabad Chayil

The eight-day festival of Passover is celebrated this year from sundown on Saturday evening, March 27, 2021, until after nightfall on Sunday, April 4, 2021, with its highlight, the festive “Seder” dinners on the first 2 nights of the holiday. The festival of Passover commemorates the freedom of the Jewish nation from enslavement in Ancient Egypt in 1313 BCE. After many decades of slavery to the Egyptian pharaohs, G‑d sent Moses to Pharaoh with a message to: “Let My People Go.” When Moses’ warnings were dismissed, G‑d sent upon Egypt ten plagues, the last one being the killing of the Egyptian firstborn while “passing over” the Jewish homes—hence the name of the holiday.

This year’s observance, with the holiday beginning on Saturday evening, is a relatively rare occurrence on the Jewish calendar, bringing with it unique rituals and prayers. The next time the holiday will be on Saturday evening is in 2025, followed by 2045 the time after that.

To commemorate the unleavened bread that we ate when we left Egypt, we don’t eat—or even retain in our possession—any leavened grains known as chametz during the holiday. Chametz includes any food or drink that contains even a trace of wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt or their derivatives, and which wasn’t guarded from leavening or fermentation. Instead, we eat matzah—flat unleavened bread, at least for the two Seder nights, when it's a Mitzvah (biblical commandment).

Our Rabbis explain that chametz is symbolic of haughtiness and egotism - traits so harmful that they are at the root of all negative traits. This is one of the reasons why even the most miniscule amount of chametz is forbidden - for these negative traits must be completely nullified.

Few Jewish holidays evoke the same warm sentiments as Passover. Memories of family and friends gathered as the four cups of wine are poured, the four questions asked and the Matzah served, all contribute to Passover’s popularity in the Jewish community. Bringing the warmth and tradition of this festival to every major city in the world, Chabad is inviting all residents who are in good health, to participate in covid-safe, socially distanced, Community Seders to be held on March 27 and 28th at locations throughout South Florida.

The Passover Seder is a feast that includes reading, drinking wine, telling stories, eating special foods, singing, and other Passover traditions. The central observance of Passover—eating matzah, the unleavened bread—will take center stage at the Seder, with handmade round shmurah matzah, “The Rolls-Royce of matzah,” available to all.

The Seders take participants through the wondrous liberation of our ancestors from Egyptian bondage, while sharing the relevance and beauty of the age old festival in our modern lives. Included in the Seder will be a delectable catered dinner paired with a variety of fine imported wines and handmade round 'Shmurah' Matzah.

Passover is not simply a celebration of the historic liberation of an ancient people. Passover is about our own personal liberation – physically, emotionally and spiritually, a message that rings true this year perhaps more than ever before in our lifetimes as we still face the challenges of the pandemic. Passover inspires us to break free from the shackles restraining us from reaching new heights – in our lives, relationships and connection with G-d.

For those unable to attend the Seder, Chabad Chayil is this year offering Seder-Kits to-go, including hand-made Shmura Matzah, the Seder plate with all the traditional seder-plate foods, packaged and ready for your Seder.

Chabad's community seder is part of a global Passover campaign that began in 1954, when the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, launched the Shmurah Matzah initiative. This year, over 500,000 people will participate at Seder at over 4,000 Chabad Centers throughout the world and an estimated four million hand-baked Shmurah Matzahs will be distributed.

We encourage you to contact your local Chabad or Synagogue to join the Seder nearest you. You are of course welcome to join us at our Seder in Highland Lakes. To learn more about the holiday, order a ready-made fully-prepared Seder plate, Shmura Matzah, RSVP for the seder or need help selling your Chametz, call (305) 770-1919 or visit, where you can also download for free a beautiful brand new Haggadah with easy to understand explanations.

About the author:

Rabbi Kievman is the ambassador of The Rebbe to Highland Lakes, FL. He is founder of CHAP - an afterschool program for Jewish children in Public Schools, rabbi at The Family Shul & together with his wife directs Chabad Chayil. He can be reached at (305) 770-1919 or [email protected]

Celebrity agent and author, Darren Prince, speaks about his opioid addiction and recovery.

Darren Prince, celebrity agent and international best-selling author of Aiming High: How a Prominent Sports and Celebrity Agent Hit Bottom at the Top, will be in conversation via Zoom on Sunday, March 21st, 7:30 pm. Earning six figures by the time he was old enough to drive he sold his first company at 20. Opioids brought him to near death, and through recovery he has dedicated himself to helping others free themselves from their addictions. Join us as Darren shares about navigating life in the fast lane with professional athletes, movie stars and musicians, and how recovery saved his life.

Go to to receive a Zoom link to this impactful event.

The stigma of addiction in the Jewish community is often a barrier for Jews seeking help for their addictions and for those surrounding them who need support. Feelings of shame or embarrassment keep addicts and those who love them away from the synagogue and Jewish life because of the stigma. Recovery through a Jewish Lens strives to end the stigma of addiction in the Jewish community and provide support and education to those suffering from all types of addiction.

For more information contact Rabbi Jaime Aklepi at Temple Beth Am: 305.667.6667, [email protected].

UM Hillel's Annual Fundraiser - Purim Bingo 03/24

March 24, 2021 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Event Type: Virtual

Contact: Igor Alterman at [email protected]

University of Miami Hillel invites you to celebrate Purim, play Bingo, and raise money for the Jewish Life at the U.

Our annual fundraisers are known to be fun and engaging, and we are excited to make the most of it this year as well! Prizes, online auction, Mishloah Manot (Purim Baskets) for all registered guests!

Register HERE!

Israel Education Program for Young Professionals 03/23

March 23, 2021 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Online via Zoom

Contact: Justin Ellis at [email protected]

Fuel For Truth prepares young leaders to have today's difficult conversations about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is a recurring event, 8 of 8, occurring weekly.

Register for Fuel For Truth's Winter 2021 Online Boot Camp class! Our intensive program for young professionals covers the modern history of Israel, the major issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and best practices for effectively discussing these topics in the real world.

Visit HERE to learn more and register.

JDC Program Connecting Passover to Stories of Hope and Perseverance 03/31

Join us for JDC’s virtual Passover event, celebrating a year of hope and impact in Ukraine, Poland, Israel, and beyond.

Wednesday, March 31 at Noon EST

This program is free of charge and open to all.


“In every generation a person is obligated to regard himself as if he came out of Egypt”

Since the pandemic began, we have all endured challenges and pain and harnessed our resilience as individuals and a global Jewish community. And still, we ensured that the world's poorest and most vulnerable Jews received life-saving care.

Together let’s turn the pages of our year and tell the Haggadah — the story — of how we collectively save Jewish lives and build Jewish life around the globe. Let’s celebrate how far we’ve come, as we look ahead toward a brighter future.

Join JDC for inspiring stories and the opportunity to learn how we’ve adapted and evolved to bring light into a year of darkness. Let’s look ahead with optimism — together.

Masa Yom HaZikaron Virtual Memorial Ceremony

Masa Yom HaZikaron Virtual Memorial Ceremony will take place on April 13th at 1 PM EST

JBS Highlights: 3/14 - 3/20: Ayalon, Dayan, Regev-Election Predictions, DiploTech Global Summit, Music Industry vs BDS, Barefoot Contessa-92Y

Watch JBS on Comcast X-1 Box Ch 1684, Atlantic Broadband Ch 168, Hotwire Ch 269, DirecTV Ch 388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to


DiploTech Global Summit: Our Post COVID-19 World

The Jerusalem Post’s Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman moderates a discussion about how Israeli technologies provide solutions to new problems that have arisen during the pandemic. With panelists Kira Radinsky (Diagnostic Robotics), Asher Dagan (Britannica System Solutions) and Rafi Kaminer (Pangea Group Ltd). A program of The Jerusalem Post hosted by Fox Business' Liz Claman. Monday - 7:30pm & 1:00am; Wednesday - 1:30pm; Saturday - 7:00pm; Sunday - 1:30am

Can Israel’s Electoral System Be Salvaged?

Former Israeli Ambassador Danny Ayalon and former MK (Labor) Nachman Shai weigh in on Israel's electoral future ahead of the upcoming fourth round of elections. A program of the MirYam Institute, moderated by British journalist Jonny Gould.
Monday - 8:00pm & 1:00am; Wednesday - 2:00pm; Saturday - 7:30pm & 2:00am

Israeli Elections and Pluralism

Hiddush President and CEO Rabbi Uri Regev speaks with panelists who are running for election to the Knesset: Dani Dayan (Former Consul General of Israel in New York) Tamar Zandberg (Meretz MK), and Rabbi Gilad Kariv (President, Israeli Movement for Reform Judaism). They discuss how results of the fourth Israeli elections could impact religious freedom in the Jewish State, and how each of them would approach the issue of pluralism themselves if elected. Tuesday - 8:00pm & 2:00am; Thursday- 2pm; Saturday - 8:30pm

In The News: Conversions to Judaism in Israel

With Israel’s Supreme Court decision to recognize Reform and Conservative conversions carried out in Israel, converts will now be considered Jews, for citizenship purposes, under Israel’s Law of Return. Journalist Ben Dror Yemini discusses the decision's background and implications with Shahar Azani. Monday - 6:30pm, 11:30pm; Tuesday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

Thinking Out Loud: Micah Halpern

JBS journalist Micah Halpern discusses the fallout from the devastating oil spill off of Israel's Mediterranean coast that was deliberately perpetrated by Iran. Also Jewish grieving in the age of Zoom — can we sit shiva virtually? Wednesday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm; Thursday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

On L’Chayim

Sunday: Chesler on Feminism

One of the Jewish community’s iconic feminists, Phyllis Chesler, Emerita Prof. of Women’s Studies, discusses her autobiography “A Politically Incorrect Feminist,” her personal rape, and the betrayal of the American feminist movement. Sunday - 12 Noon & 6pm; Monday - 3pm

Monday: Aryeh Green (Part 1)

Aryeh Green (My Israel Trail: Finding Peace In The Promised Land), a policy advisor for Natan Sharansky and one who met with top Palestinians activists, analyzes the failure of American Jewish leaders to build support for Israel. Monday - 9:00pm & 12 Midnight; Tuesday - 3:00pm

Tuesday: Aryeh Green (Part 2)

Aryeh Green continues his discussion on the need for liberal Jews to be unwavering in their defense of Israel and dives into the story behind his new book, My Israel Trail: Finding Peace In The Promised Land. Tuesday - 9:00pm & 2:00am; Wednesday - 3:00pm

Wednesday: Music Industry vs BDS

Former Chairman & CEO of Universal Music Publishing, David Renzer, explains how he formed “Creative Community for Peace” to build bridges with Palestinians, to support artistic freedom and to counter the cultural boycott of Israel. Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3:00pm

Thursday: Brooke Goldstein

Brooke Goldstein describes the way her film “The Making of a Martyr” documents how Palestinians abuse their children; and discusses why she created The Lawfare Project to fight antisemitism in courts of law around the world.
Thursday - 9:00pm & 2:00am; Friday - 3:00pm

Saturday: Jewish New York

Historians Deborah Dash Moore (U. of Michigan) and Jeffrey Gurock (Yeshiva U.) discuss the history of New York City and of the Jews of N.Y. chronicled in their book “Jews of New York: The Remarkable Story of A City and A People.”
Saturday - 6:00pm


Talmud Study: Heal and Be Healed

Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Senior Lecturer with Gateways, discuses the Jewish perspective on healing and the Jewish Tradition’s emphasis on the value of life. On the JBS original series, “Dimensions of the Daf.”
Sunday - 9:00am; Tuesday - 9:00am & 4:30pm; Thursday - 7:00pm; Friday - 4:00am

Talmud Study: Resolving Dispute

How the Talmud treats the problem created when two people claim ownership of the same property. Sunday - 9:30am; Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:00pm; Thursday - 7:30pm; Friday - 4:30am

From The Aleph Bet: Lesson 11

Learn the "Kaf" family, along with letters "Nun" and "Samech" Monday - 9:00am & 5:00pm; Tuesday - 7:00pm; Friday - 5:00am; Saturday - 8:00am

Jewish 101: Miracles

Moses' early life, including his speech impediment and his marriage to Zipporah in Midian, is part of this week's study of the Exodus story which reveals the Jewish Tradition's notion of God and what it means to be a Jew. Taught by Rabbi Mark S. Golub. Wednesday – 9:00am & 4:30pm; Friday - 1:00pm

92nd Street Y: Barefoot Contessa

Ina Garten, whose book "Barefoot Contessa: How Easy Is That?" features simple recipes and easy tips, talks with writer Anna Quindlen about her successful ventures in retail, television, and publishing. Sunday - 8:00pm & 2:00am; Monday - 10:00pm; Tuesday - 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Saturday - 1:00am & 4:00pm

Friday Evening Shabbat Services

Reform: Central Synagogue 6:00pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue With Hebrew, Transliteration and English Subtitles 7:30pm & 10:30pm

Saturday Morning Shabbat Services

Reform: Central Synagogue 9:30am & 1pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue With Hebrew, Transliteration And English Subtitles 11:00am & 2:30pm

Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

Virtual Open House

Join our virtual Open House on March 17 at 10 AM to learn more about Gordon School’s programs for: Early Childhood, K-5, Tikvah Center for autism learners, Summer Camp and Early Intervention center.

Meet the directors, see the students and teachers in action and discover the exceptional community that makes the Gordon School a center for all!

RSVP at [email protected]

ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS: Kugel Your Way – Sweet or Savory! 03/16

TUESDAY, MARCH 16 @ 7pm ET / 4pm PT

COOKING | Kugel Your Way – Sweet or Savory!

Presented by Amy Atkins of Judaism Your Way

Kugel dates back some 800 years as a staple Jewish dish. Over the centuries, it has evolved in two separate directions – sweet kugel, often featuring cheese, raisins & noodles – and savory kugel, often featuring a potato base. From there, the regional variations have been endless. But why choose one? In just 60 minutes, our "Kugel Your Way" class will walk you through the basics of preparing a sweet noodle kugel and a savory potato kugel – with many possibilities for experimenting with your own kugel creation! Ingredient list provided if you're planning to cook along!


Results: 1091 to 1100 of 2357