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Eshel Has Launched Its First-Ever Grandparents Group!

Eshel Has Launched Its First-Ever Grandparents Group!

Grandparents with LGBTQ+ grandchildren from traditional communities gather and learn how to understand and support an LGBTQ+ grandchild and their family. The purpose of this group is to meet and socialize with other grandparents, to gain support from one another, and to share experiences.

Where: Zoom. Login information is sent via email to those who have registered.

When: The second Wednesday of each month at 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST. The next meeting will be held on February 10, 2021.

Click here to register

For inquiries, call 724-374-3501

Funded by Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Confidentiality honored

Free Kosher Food Distribution at Greater Miami Jewish Federation on February 11

Thursday, February 11
9-11 a.m.

First come, first served while supplies last
Please do not arrive before 9 a.m.

Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Stanley C. Myers Building
4200 Biscayne Boulevard

To ensure the health and safety of volunteers and community members, we must adhere to the COVID-19 CDC guidelines. Masks are required. Please remain in your car and open the trunk when it’s your turn in line. Volunteers will place food in your trunk. (If you are able, please print and place this on your dashboard.)

This Kosher Food Distribution Event has been generously underwritten by The Richard and Karen LeFrak Charitable Foundation. Farm Share, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider.

Free Organizing Your Job Search Zoom Workshop

JWorks Miami invites you to attend a FREE Organizing Your Job Search workshop on Thursday, February 18th, 10:30am-12:30 pm.

Looking for a job is very time consuming. You will likely get out of it what you put into it!

This workshop will teach you how to organize your job search.

Properly managing your job search is just as important as identifying job opportunities and submitting your resume and/or application.

Items to be discussed include:

* Time management skills

* Preparing for the interview

* Email etiquette

* Best resume format for your situation

* Writing a great cover letter

Please RSVP at JWorks Miami - RSVP is required!

The workshop will begin promptly at 10:30am so please arrive a few minutes prior and dress to impress. Business casual is recommended.

These events are also a great way for JWorks Miami staff to get to know you! Please note that we are unable to refer you to available opportunities unless we have met you in person.

If you have any questions please visit our website or call us at 305-403-6554.

We look forward to seeing you!

The JWorks Miami Team

JWorks Miami is a partnership of

Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Jewish Community Services of South Florida

Made possible by a generous grant from The Blank Family Foundation

[email protected]

305-403-6554, option 1

ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS:Palestinian-Israeli Multi-Narrative

ENCOUNTER | Palestinian-Israeli Multi-Narrative

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 @ 2:30pm ET / 11:30am PT

Join us for a conversation with two Roots leaders – one Israeli and one Palestinian – as they tell their personal stories of inner-transformation forged through face-to-face contact with the other side. This authentic multi-narrative dialogue will address the narratives, identities, and pathos of daily life within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as explain the philosophy of the Roots initiative. There will be time to ask your own questions as well.

Presented by Noor A'wad & Shaul Judelman


ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS:Deconstructing the Sabich Sandwich

COOKING | Deconstructing the Sabich Sandwich

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 @ 1pm ET / 10am PT

The origin story of this popular sandwich begins with Iraqi Jews, who came to Israel in the 1940s and 1950s as refugees. On Shabbat, when no cooking is allowed, Iraqi Jews ate a cold meal of precooked fried eggplant, boiled potatoes, and hard-boiled eggs. Those essential building blocks – combined with other Israeli salads, dressings, and spices and stuffed into pita bread – have been transformed into the mighty sabich sandwich. Join chef Harry as he breaks down the secret of a savory and sabich street sandwich. Ingredient list provided if you're planning to cook along!

Presented by Harry Rubenstein


ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS: Tour The Miracle and Genius of Water in Israel

TOUR | The Miracle and Genius of Water in Israel


For millennia, desert nations have struggled to supply water in dry conditions. Join expert guide, Ami Braun, as we explore how the challenge of water was approached in ancient Israel....and how the modern State of Israel has taken water management to the next level. Together, we'll learn how the National Water Carrier works, how Israel supersized ocean desalination technology, how the invention of drip irrigation transformed desert agriculture, and how Israel conserves its wastewater and rain run-off. Through these novel technologies and investments, Israel has been able to sustainably meet the water needs of nearly 9 million people while supporting a thriving desert agriculture economy. Now that's a real-life miracle!

Presented by Ami Braun


ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS:When Nazi Flags Flew in Tel Aviv

SEMINAR | When Nazi Flags Flew in Tel Aviv


Starting in 1868, a German religious sect of "Templers" began establishing neighborhoods throughout the Land of Israel in anticipation of the Messiah's return. Many of the distinctive neighborhoods they built remain prominent in modern Israel today – now commonly referred to as "German Colonies". Join expert guide, Amit Musai, as he explores the history of the German Templers – including the incredible story of the Nazi flags they flew in the nascent city of Tel Aviv prior to the State of Israel's founding.

Presented by Amit Musai


ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS: Tour Markets of Jerusalem's Old City - February 2nd

TOUR | Markets of Jerusalem's Old City

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 @ 3pm ET / 12pm PT

Join Tamar on a fascinating journey into the colorful depths of Jerusalem's Old City’s markets — deep behind winding alleyways and within seemingly endless worlds. Together, we'll encounter unique foods, mounds of spices, intricate local fabrics, and fascinating people who call the Old City home. Along the way, we'll discover hidden connections that are unique to Jerusalem — between holiness and hummus, between history and spice, between Biblical food and contemporary Palestinian cuisine, and between prayers and coffee!

Presented by Tamar Linchevsky


FREE Organizing Your Job Search Zoom Workshop on Thursday, February 18th 2021

10:30 am - 12:30 pm.

Looking for a job is very time consuming. You will likely get out of it what you put into it!

This workshop will teach you how to organize your job search.

Properly managing your job search is just as important as identifying job opportunities and submitting your resume and/or application.

Items to be discussed include:

  • Time management skills
  • Preparing for the interview
  • Email etiquette
  • Best resume format for your situation
  • Writing a great cover letter

Please RSVP at under the Events tab - RSVP is required!

The workshop will begin promptly at 10:30 am. Business casual is recommended.

The Zoom link will be sent to you on February 17th.

These events are a great way for JWorksMiami staff to get to know you! Please note that we are unable to refer you to available job opportunities unless we have met you in person or virtually.

If you have any questions please visit our website,, or call us at 305-403-6554.

We look forward to seeing you!

The JWorks Miami Team

JWorks Miami is a partnership of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Services of South Florida.

JBS Highlights for 1/31 - 2/6: Free Speech v Cancel Culture, Robert Siegel on Vaccines, Jewish Diversity, Jewish Treasures, Remembering Daniel Pearl and Ilan Ramon, Sedra Yitro (Receiving Torah), From Date To Mate Ep 5

Watch JBS on Spectrum 717, Google Fiber 459, Century Link 1590 or 590, Comcast X-1 Box 1684, DirecTV 388, and streamed on Roku under “educational”, Apple TV, Amazon Fire and For a complete and timely schedule and other providers, go to

ADL: Diverse Jewish Voices

Diverse Jewish perspectives on issues including the pandemic and racial justice with Rabbi Yonason Perry (Chabad black Jew), Joy Ladin (transgender YU professor) and Dr. Ilan Shapiro (Mexican-American doctor). With Tracey Labgold from 2020 ADL Summit. Monday - 7:30pm & 1:30am; Wednesday - 2:00pm; Saturday - 7:00pm; Sunday - 4:00am

Rebecca Abrams-Jewish Treasures

Award-Winning author Rebecca Abrams shares many of the more than 100 full color pictures in her book “Jewish Treasures from Oxford Libraries” which features illuminated manuscripts spanning centuries of Jewish life. By the ZOA Book Club with Liz Berney. Tuesday - 8:00pm & 1:00am; Thursday - 2:00pm

Robert Siegel: Year of the Vaccine

Award-winning journalist Robert Siegel discusses the vaccine rollout in the U.S. and Israel with Dr. Irwin Redlener (Columbia University), Dr Peter Hotez (Baylor College of Medicine), Dr. Ofer Levy (Boston Children's Hospital), Dr. Michael Drescher (Rabin Medical Center) and Dr Jason Schwartz (Yale School of Public Health). On "Global Connections: Navigating the New Abnormal,” a production of the American Friends of Wednesday - 8:00pm & 1:00am

In COVID-19: Mordechai Becher

Rabbi Mordechai Becher (Gateways Organization and Yeshiva University) discusses Talmudic passages which address the ethical issues in the debate over whether “saving life” should preclude a lifting of the current Covid-19 lockdown. Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3:00pm

On L’Chayim this week

Monday: Daniel Pearl's Father, Yehuda Pearl

On the anniversary of the 2002 murder of his son, journalist Daniel Pearl, who ended his life with the words "I am Jewish," Yehuda Pearl talks about his own sense of Jewish identity and whether he sees himself as Abraham in the Akedah. Monday - 9:00pm & 12 Midnight; Tuesday - 3:00pm

Monday: Ilan Ramon – An Article Of Hope

Documentary producer Dan Cohen talks about "An Article of Hope," his film on Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon carrying a small Torah scroll from Auschwitz into space before tragically perishing when the Columbia shuttle burned on re-entry, Feb 1, 2003. Monday - 9:50pm & 12:50am; Tuesday - 3:50pm

Sunday: Neshama Carlebach

Grammy Award winning singer, songwriter and educator Neshama Carlebach talks about her personal journey, her music and how she has overcome the cancel culture that impacted her life and career.
Sunday- 12 Noon & 6pm; Monday - 3pm

Tuesday: L’Chayim: Art of Arthur Szyk

Irvin Ungar, the leading authority on the life and work of illustrator Arthur Szyk, recounts the remarkable story of how the political artist used his work to fight Hitler, including the creation of the iconic Szyk Haggadah. Tuesday - 9:00pm & 2:00am; Wednesday - 3:00pm

Saturday: Stephen Schwartz

Musical theatre composer and lyricist Stephen Schwartz discusses some of his classic Broadway shows, including Pippin, Wicked and The Prince of Egypt, and describes how Jewish values have shaped his life and work.
Saturday - 6:00pm & 12 Midnight

In The News: Israeli Politics & Election

Lahav Harkov, Senior Contributing Editor of The Jerusalem Post who reports on and analyzes the Knesset and Israeli politics, discusses the political maneuverings as Israel approaches its next election this March. JBS’s “In The News” with Shahar Azani. Sunday- 5:30pm, 11:30pm; Monday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

The Dershow: Impeachment Precedent

Alan Dershowitz explains why impeaching a president who has left office would be a terrible precedent to set and would encourage political parties to use the tactic as a way of preventing people from running for office. From the pod cast “The Dershow.” Monday - 6:30pm, 11:30pm; Tuesday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

Jewish Studies

From The Aleph Bet: Lesson 5

Learn the Hebrew letters Hay, Chet, and Raysh on this lesson of JBS's original series, From the Aleph-Bet, designed for anyone of any age who wishes to learn to read and understand Hebrew. Taught by Rabbi Mark S. Golub. Monday - 9:00am & 5:00pm; Tuesday - 7:00pm; Friday - 5:00am; Saturday - 8:00am

Talmud Study: Honor Father & Mother

As the Jewish world reads the Ten Commandments this week, Rabbi Mordechai Becher discusses the commandment to "Honor Your Father and Mother" and why the Jewish Tradition teaches that respect for elders is so important. On JBS’s “Dimensions of the Daf.” Sunday - 9:00am; Tuesday - 9:00am & 4:30pm; Thursday - 9:00am & 7:00pm

Talmud Study: Value of Human Dignity

As the Jewish world reads the Ten Commandments this week, Rabbi Mordechai Becher discusses the rabbinic emphasis on respecting the human dignity of every person and on the gift of free will. On JBS’s “Dimensions of the Daf.” Sunday - 9:30am; Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:00pm

Talmud: “Cancel Culture”

Rabbi Becher looks at Talmudic texts and other writings to interpret the Jewish attitude towards what today is known as "cancel culture." JBS original series Dimensions of the Daf. Thursday - 7:30pm; Friday - 4:00am

Jewish 101: Miracles

As the Jewish community reads the account in Exodus of the Red Sea, Rabbi Mark S. Golub discusses the classic midrash in which the Rabbis suggest the meaning of “miracle,” as they describe how the sea only split when Nachshon plunged into the waters. Sunday- 10am

Jewish 101: Standing at Sinai

The dramatic account of what it was like for the Children of Israel to stand at "Sinai" to hear the voice of God, and how the rabbis explain the ways in which each person "heard" God that day. Wednesday - 9am & 4:30pm; Friday - 1:00 pm

92nd Street Y: Gregory & Brown on Faith

TV Journalist David Gregory, author of “How’s Your Faith,” and Jewish ethicist Erica Brown, author of “Take Your Faith To Work,” discuss faith and Jewish identity. With Rabbi Peter Rubinstein, Dir. of the Bronfman Center for Jewish Life at the 92Y in NY. Sunday - 8:00pm & 2:00am; Monday - 10:00pm; Tuesday - 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Saturday - 1:00am & 4pm

From Date To Mate: Episode 5

Zoe and Daniel take their relationship to the next level, and Justin is placed in the awkward situation of meeting his ex's new boyfriend. JBS's original production of a mock reality series following four Jewish singles navigating the New York singles' scene. Created by Sloan Copeland.
Sunday - 10:00pm; Monday - 10:00am & 5:30pm; Wednesday - 1:30pm; Friday - 10:00pm; Saturday - 10:30pm & 1:30am

Friday Evening Shabbat Services

Reform: Central Synagogue 6pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue With Hebrew, Transliteration and English subtitles 7:30pm & 10:30pm

Saturday Morning Shabbat Services

Reform: Central Synagogue 9:30am & 1pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue With Hebrew, Transliteration and English subtitles 11am & 2:30pm

Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

Results: 1151 to 1160 of 2361