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Results: 41 to 50 of 2224

THEMES OF THE SEASON: A Meaningful Exploration of the High Holy Days

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THEMES OF THE SEASON: A Meaningful Exploration of the High Holy Days

This four-session virtual course will guide us through the preparatory month of Elul, and the holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, so that we can approach the High Holiday season with the awe, contemplation, joy and renewal of this most extraordinary period of the Jewish Year.

Wednesdays, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25 | 10:00-11:30 am ET (virtual)

Session One - September 4

Elul & Slichot - A Spiritual Jaunt through the Days Before Rosh Hashanah

With Rabbi Dr. Leon Weissberg

Elul, the last month before Rosh Hashanah, and Slichot, the last post-Shabbat prayer before the High Holidays, is full of mystical and historical meaning unknown to most Jews. In this session we will take a deep dive into this month of the Jewish calendar.

Session Two - September 11

Beyond L'Shanah Tovah - Exploring the Philosophical Underpinnings of Rosh Hashanah

With Dr. Sandra Lilienthal

Rosh Hashanah is the New Year (or one of the new years) of the Jewish calendar. Yet, its philosophical themes go much deeper than just the start of a New Year. It prepares us for a future that can only come if change happens -- change in ourselves, in our communities and in the world. We will discuss many of the themes that make Rosh Hashanah such a theologically and spiritually important holiday.

Session Three - September 18

Yom Kippur: "I’m Sorry, So Sorry" Please Accept My Apology

With Rabbi Norman Lipson

"Repentance, Prayer, Tzedakah, avert the harshness of the decree.” תשובה, תפילה, וצדקה, מעבירים את רוע הגזרה

Prayer? I read the prayer book. Tzedakah? I donate to charity. Repentance? How do I do that?!?

Join Rabbi Lipson (with apologies to Brenda Lee) in exploring of the open-ended process of performing Teshuva/ Repentance for sins committed or for actions not taken, for sins against God or against our brothers and sisters, against nature, the world around us and yes, even against ourselves

Session Four - September 25

One Year Later: Finding Joy in the Festival of Joy

With Dr. Bella Tendler Krieger

Sukkot is known as the Festival of Joy. Simchat Torah, which we celebrate at the conclusion of Sukkot, literally means “Rejoicing with the Torah.” One year after Hamas’ devastating October 7 attack on Israel, which took place on this holiday, it is hard to imagine finding joy in this festival. This session will explore insights for how this can be done and seek inspiration from the efforts of contemporary Israelis valiantly fighting to rekindle joy.

Learn more & Register at

Conversational Yiddish Course Starting Thurs Sep 5th

Here is your opportunity to enjoy the nostalgia by speaking the Yiddish of your youth. You will also delight in some of the wonderful idioms of the Yiddish language.


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Sign up before September and enjoy the Early Bird Special. Go to: and click on the Conversational Yiddish Course

A project of United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization for retirees and seniors


On JBS: "Let There Be Love," A Tu B'Av Concert from Noah Aronson; Between the Temples; Goyhood; AJC Global Forum Closing Plenary

Watch JBS on Comcast X-1 Box 1684, DirecTV 388, Hotwire 269 and streamed on Roku under “educational”, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, ZipWaveTV 29, and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to


Let There Be Love: Noah Aronson Concert

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In celebration of Tu B'Av, Jewish singer-songwriter Noah Aronson performs an evening of original music with his all Israeli/Jewish band on the theme of love in all its manifestations in this exclusive concert event for JBS.

Sunday - 8:00pm & 11:00pm Monday - 7:00am, 11:00am & 4:00pm Wednesday - 8:00pm Thursday - 2:00am Saturday - 3:30am & 10:30pm

Also see encores of Noah Aronson in conversation with Justin Pines: Sunday - 7:00pm Monday - 5:00am & 10:00am

And in a musicians roundtable with Abigail Pogrebin: Sunday - 1:30pm Monday - 5:00pm

In the Spotlight with Abigail Pogrebin: Reuven Fenton – Goyhood

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Abigail Pogrebin is joined by Reuven Fenton to discuss Goyhood, his debut novel that examines destiny and spirituality through the story of a devoutly Orthodox Jewish man who discovers in middle age that he's not, in fact, Jewish.

Monday - 8:00pm & 11:00pm Tuesday - 2:00am, 7:00am & 11:00am Wednesday - 5:00am Thursday - 2:00pm Friday - 4:00pm & 9:30pm Saturday - 7:00pm

Jewish Cinematheque with Eric Goldman: Nathan Silver - Between the Temples

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Eric Goldman is joined by filmmaker Nathan Silver to discuss his ninth feature, “Between the Temples,” starring Jason Schwartzman as a cantor facing a crisis of faith when his former music teacher returns as an adult bat mitzvah student.

Monday - 8:30pm & 11:30pm Tuesday - 2:30am, 7:30am & 11:30am Wednesday - 5:30am & 7:30pm Thursday - 2:30pm Saturday - 10:00pm

Jewish Insights with Justin Pines: Rabbi David Ingber

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Rabbi David Ingber, Senior Director for Jewish Life at 92NY, and founding rabbi of Romemu, the largest Renewal synagogue in the U.S., discusses his Jewish journey, what he has learned from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, and navigating allyship as a proud Jew in Liberal circles, with Justin Pines.

Tuesday - 8:00pm & 11:00pm Wednesday - 4:00am, 7:00am & 11:00am Thursday - 5:00am Friday - 9:00am & 8:30pm Saturday - 8:30am & 4:00pm Saturday - 8:30am & 4:00pm

Thinking Out Loud with Micah Halpern

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Micah Halpern explores the decline of the art of conversation, contrasting it with the increasing prevalence of argument in modern discourse.

Wednesday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm Thursday - 8:30am & 12:30pm Saturday - 5:30am & 5:30pm

Defending Israel with David Harris

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David Harris is joined by Shabbos Kestenbaum to discuss his lawsuit against Harvard University, addressing the institution's alleged failure to protect Jewish students from discrimination.

Wednesday - 7:00pm & 11:00pm Thursday - 4:00am, 7:00am, 11:30am & 5:00pm Friday - 4:30pm & 10:00pm Saturday - 7:30pm

FIDF Briefing: Noya Govrin - Nefesh B’Nefesh

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FIDF CEO Steve Weil is joined by Noya Govrin, Director of the Lone Soldier Program at Nefesh B'Nefesh, to discuss the challenges lone soldiers face during the war and how her organization supports them.

Thursday - 6:30pm & 10:00pm Friday - 1:00am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

AJC Global Forum: Closing Plenary##

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The closing plenary of the AJC Global Forum features AJC CEO Ted Deutch with U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, remarks from Rep. Ritchie Torres, a tribute to a “Hero of Israel” Ofir Libshtein z”l, a performance by Matisyahu and more.

Thursday - 7:00pm Friday - 4:00am & 1:00pm Saturday - 8:00pm


ILTV News and Daily News Updates

ILTV reports from Israel followed by JBS Daily News with Teisha Bader

Mondays-Thursdays at 6:00pm & Fridays at 5:00pm

Good Week Israel

Positive stories from Israel of heroism, unity and support

Mondays at 6:30pm


ILTV reports and interviews

Tuesdays at 6:30pm


Fighting Antisemitism – The ISGAP Hour: Israel Education and Campus Environment Post October 7

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Dr. Rachel Fish discusses Israel education post-October 7th, while Dr. David Patterson and Dr. Cary Nelson examine the surge of anti-Israel sentiment on American campuses, with ISGAP leaders Charles Asher Small and David Harris.

Tuesday - 7:00pm Wednesday - 2:00am & 10:00am Thursday - 4:00pm & 11:00pm Friday - 7:00am

On L’Chayim: Classic Conversations with Mark S. Golub z”l

Team Israel Baseball

From Israel’s National Baseball Team, Eric Holtz (Manager), Eric Brodkowitz (Pitcher) and Peter Kurz (General Manager) discuss the thrill of the team’s winning a spot for the first time in the Tokyo Olympics.

Monday - 9:00pm Tuesday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm

Shlomo Riskin

Shlomo Riskin, founder of Ohr Torah Stone, describes the influence upon him of Rav Soloveitchik (z”l) and the LubavItcher Rebbe (z”l), and discusses his disagreements with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Tuesday - 9:00pm Wednesday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm

Neshama Carlebach

Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter and educator Neshama Carlebach talks about her personal journey, her music, and how she has overcome the cancel culture that impacted her life and career.

Wednesday - 9:00pm Thursday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm

Steve Gutow

Rabbi Steve Gutow, former President and CEO of the JCPA (Jewish Council for Public Affairs), reflects upon the need for Jews to be involved in both Jewish concerns and universal concerns.

Thursday - 9:00pm
Friday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm Saturday - 6:00pm


Dimensions of the Daf

Talmud Study with Rabbi Mordechai Becher

15th Of Av - Tisha B'Av

Rabbi Mordechai Becher explains why the 15th of Av is one of the most joyous days of the Jewish year.

Sunday - 9:00am Monday - 4:00am Tuesday - 9:00am & 5:00pm

Love, Marriage & Giving

Rabbi Becher discusses the Talmud's attitude towards love and marriage, and how the Jewish Tradition teaches love is the pursuit of “oneness” achieved through acts of giving.

Sunday - 9:30am Monday - 4:30am Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:30pm

ewish 101##

A pluralistic introduction to the teachings, ideas and values of the Jewish Tradition with Rabbi Mark S. Golub z"l


The importance of rabbinic interpretation in the Jewish tradition, which is critical to understanding the Torah's glorious poetry, is explained.

Monday - 9:00am Thursday - 9:00am Saturday - 1:00am



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6:00pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am


With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles

7:30pm & 10:30pm



Closed Captioned

9:30am & 1:00pm


With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles

11:00am & 2:30pm

Vlada Barash, Special Projects Manager, JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3fulltime television channel. Tel:201-334-2510


Applications for Miami’s Leo Martin March of the Living 2025 Are Now Open

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Jewish high school seniors in Miami-Dade County are encouraged to apply for this meaningful and immersive educational experience from April 21-May 2, 2025. The program includes a two-week journey to Poland and, conditions permitting, Israel. Teens participate in a powerful march from Auschwitz to Birkenau, honoring the 6 million Jews murdered during the Shoah, while also exploring their sense of Klal Yisrael, or Jewish peoplehood.

Federation partner The Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) provides six months of education on the Holocaust, Israel and contemporary issues like antisemitism. This preparation helps participants deepen their Jewish identity and equips them to confront antisemitism and anti-Israel rhetoric in college and beyond. The Miami March of the Living nurtures emotional, social, and spiritual well-being, empowering youth to stand strong in their Jewish identity.


Book Talk: "Sephardi Voices" With Henry Green

Monday, August 26 at 6:30 PM

Sephardi Voices: The Untold Expulsion of Jews From Arab Lands

By Henry Green & Richard Stursberg

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In the decades following the founding of Israel, close to a million Jews were forced from their ancestral homelands in the Middle East, North Africa and Iran. This story of state-sanctioned discrimination, violence and political unrest is told with stunning photography and gripping first-hand accounts from survivors. They tell of violent persecution and daring midnight airlifts—but also of a world left behind, and new lives in new lands. This is a story of Jewish history, of a resilient people finding strength in the face of terrible injustice.

Book & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables


Advance registration required

Join YLD for Shabbat Across Miami

Friday, September 6

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Shabbat Across Miami is back! Join Federation's Young Leadership Division (YLD) and OneTable in this special Shabbat celebration by hosting or attending a Shabbat dinner.

When you host a Shabbat dinner on September 6, you can receive expanded Nourishment of up to $250 fo 20 guests or $15 per person for the first 10 guests and $10 per person after that. Hosts must post their dinner by Monday, September 2 to receive Nourishment or a Shabbat Gift Bag.

For more information, contact Samantha Katz at [email protected] or Delayna Feuerzeig at [email protected].



Join a Synagogue at the High Holidays

The Jewish New Year offers the opportunity to come together in solidarity and hope with your Jewish community.

Child blowing a shofar

As Jews around the world pray for peace in Israel and the safety of the Jewish people worldwide, join your Jewish community in bringing in the Jewish New Year. If you are looking for a spiritual connection to the High Holidays, there’s a congregation in Miami-Dade County ready to welcome you. The Greater Miami Jewish Federation and the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami have compiled a directory of area synagogues. We encourage you to select a synagogue, visit their website or call for membership information.

Make the year 5785 a time of Jewish renewal and connection for you and your family and of unity with Jews around the world.


Joe Zimmerman at The Comedy Zone

Thursday, September 26 at 8 PM

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Known for his inventive writing and playful persona, Joe Zimmerman brings insightful observations and a curiosity to the stage that achieves a level of joy rarely accomplished with jokes touching on pop culture, relationships, history and pop-science. Zimmerman's television appearances include The Late Late Show with James Corden, John Oliver’s New York Comedy Central, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Conan, Last Comic Standing, and his own Comedy Central Half Hour.

The Hub, Temple Beth Am, 5950 N. Kendall Drive, Pinecrest


Celebrate LGBTQ-ness at the Pride Empowerment Circle

Monday, September 9, 6:30-8 PM

Join the Alper JCC Miami's Pride Empowerment Circle and the Yes Institute as they "change the current dialogue from marginalization to celebration and appreciation." The Pride Empowerment Circle is a monthly meet-up that serves as a community-building opportunity for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies. It is a sounding board for the needs and wants of the attendees: discussions, advocacy, guest speakers, socials, special events, sharing of resources and building connections all fall under the umbrella of what we do together.

Alper JCC Miami, Building #6, Studio Room A, 11155 SW 112 Avenue, Miami

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Israel's Oscar Entry "Seven Blessings"

Monday, August 19, 7:30 PM

Special Miami Jewish Film Festival Encore Showing

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Israel's Official Entry to the 2024 Academy Awards and the 2024 Miami Jewish Film Festival's Best Israeli Film, Seven Blessings also swept the Israeli Academy Awardswith 10 wins, including Best Film. In this bittersweet dramedy set in early ‘90s Jerusalem, a diverse family celebrates a Moroccan-Jewish bride and French-Ashkenazi groom’s union, infusing the occasion with joy, laughter and a vibrant mix of languages. Yet, as the Seven Blessings ritual unfolds—a week of festive meals honoring the newlyweds—the facade cracks, exposing deep-seated wounds rooted in ancient tradition.

Michael-Ann Russell JCC, 18900 NE 25th Ave, North Miami Beach


Results: 41 to 50 of 2224