Our Global Impact

Whether you live in Miami or Morocco… in Tel Aviv or Turkey… in Vancouver or Venezuela, if you are Jewish, you are part of a global family. Federation works with overseas partner agencies to respond to Jews in need at any place, at any time, in more than 70 countries worldwide. Look at the work of our partner agencies and see how far your dollars reach.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

For more than a century, JDC has provided a lifeline for Jews around the world. Because of its work, a child in Odessa stays warm in the winter; a frail Holocaust Survivor in St. Petersburg has homecare; a young woman in Haifa finds employment as a bookkeeper; a baby in Argentina gets vaccinated and a teenager from Albania experiences a Jewish sleepaway summer camp. Through JDC, Federation supports and strengthens Jewish life, wherever Jews live across the globe.

The Jewish Agency for Israel

The mission of The Jewish Agency for Israel is to make sure every Jewish person is part of a Jewish story. With an institutional history rooted in 90 years of experience, the organization connects Jews to Israel and to one another. Its programs answer the call of emergencies and dangerous times, resettle Jews in peril to safety in Israel, uplift the most vulnerable Jews — anywhere they may be — and reconnect Jews to their heritage.

World ORT

World ORT is the world’s largest Jewish education and vocational training organization. With a focus on helping students develop skills to thrive amid changing and challenging economics, World ORT reaches 38 countries and nearly 300,000 students worldwide.

Meet Scott

Meet Scott

“Jewish community is the ultimate team sport,” said Scott Kaufman, Interim President and CEO of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, “and nobody has a better team than Jewish Miami!”

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Israeli Division Mini Mission

Israeli Division Mini Mission

Earlier this month, Federation’s Israeli Division hosted the fourth annual Israeli Mini Mission, crisscrossing the country to bear witness to the horrific atrocities of October 7 and see firsthand how Federation donations are helping rebuild Israeli lives and their communities.

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Base Miami Relaunches

Base Miami Relaunches

In this challenging time, engaging young Jews in a pluralistic, hospitable home of Jewish learning, culture and connection is more critical than ever. Helping in that effort are Rabbi Dvir and Shalhevet Cahana, the newly arrived resident Rabbinic couple of Federation-funded Base Miami.

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JFNA Helps Fund 16 New Mental Health Facilities

JFNA Helps Fund 16 New Mental Health Facilities

Jewish Federations are contributing approximately $7 million in a partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Health to create 16 community-based mental health centers, which will provide much-needed services to 200,000 Israelis each year.

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