Home / General Election Toolkit 2023

Local and municipal elections are occurring in Miami-Dade County this year! The Jewish Community Relations Council’s (JCRC) Election Toolkit aims to educate, engage and inform voters in Miami-Dade County about voter registration and voter accessibility.

This toolkit will provide information on how voters can register to vote, cast their ballots and find specific information that will help provide a secure and smooth voting process.

  • Due to recent changes in Florida law, all previous requests for Vote-by-Mail ballots expired at the end of 2022. If you have NOT re-registered to vote by mail, please do so before the deadline for Vote-by-Mail registration. (See deadlines below)
  • We encourage you to please note the proximity of the deadline for the
    Vote-by-Mail registration to the actual election. There is reasonable concern
    that if voters wait too long to register to vote by mail, they will either not
    receive their mail-in ballot in time and/or they will not have sufficient time to
    return it by mail. If your preference is to vote by mail, we encourage you
    to update your voter registration in a timely manner.
  • Voters can find detailed information about casting a Vote-by-Mail ballot,
    including both written instructions and an instructional video, on the
    Miami-Dade County website.
  • Local and municipal governmental elections will be held in Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah and Homestead this fall.
  • Differing municipalities may have different election dates and deadlines. Please check the 2023 Miami-Dade County Election Calendar for information on your municipality’s elections.
FIU and UM are ADL “A” Schools

FIU and UM are ADL “A” Schools

Mazal Tov to two Miami-Dade County Universities — Florida International University and University of Miami — which are among the select group of eight colleges to have received top marks in ADL’s recently released Campus Climate Report.

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Local Survivors Honored in Art Exhibit

Local Survivors Honored in Art Exhibit

A group of local Holocaust Survivors were recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning as part of a segment spotlighting the work of Gillian Laub, a photographer who is preserving the memory of the Shoah — one photo at a time.

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Israel and Miami Jewish Nonprofits Working Together

Israel and Miami Jewish Nonprofits Working Together

Nineteen top executives from organizations that educate and empower Israeli youth visited Miami recently, learning about Federation’s work with children and teens, visiting local sites and exploring ways to partner in the future.

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Apply for a College Scholarship

Apply for a College Scholarship

Attention, college and graduate students! The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation wants to help fund your education through the Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program.

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