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Michael Ann Russell JCC Hebraica 4th Annual Challah Bake and Marketplace

When: February 24, 2022 6:00 PM to 9:15 PM
Where: Michael-Ann Russell JCC
18900 NE 25th Avenue
North Miami Beach, FL 33180
Organizer: Diani Azout
Contact: Diane Azout at [email protected] (305) 932-4200
Cost: $25 Adults $18 Students
Summary: Come join a diverse group of Jewish women and girls of all ages & stages from Dade and Broward Counties to benefit the Three Under Two Foundation and Hebraica’s Maskirut Leadership Training.
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2022-02-24 18:00:00 2022-02-24 21:15:00 America/New_York Michael Ann Russell JCC Hebraica 4th Annual Challah Bake and Marketplace Come join a diverse group of Jewish women and girls of all ages & stages from Dade and Broward Counties to benefit the Three Under Two Foundation and Hebraica’s Maskirut Leadership Training. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/marjcc_hebraica_4th_annual_callah_bake) Michael-Ann Russell JCC Diani Azout [email protected]

Event Details


Michael Ann Russell JCC Hebraica 4th Annual Challah Bake and Marketplace
Thursday, February 24,
Marketplace as of 3 PM
Challah Bake at 6 PM

Location: Michael-Ann Russell JCC – 18900 NE 15th Avenue – Aventura – 33180 – Scheck Family Plaza

Come join a diverse group of Jewish women and girls of all ages & stages from Dade and Broward Counties to benefit the Three Under Two Foundation and Hebraica’s Maskirut Leadership Training.

General Adult Admission: $25
Student Admission (10yrs. & up): $18

Tribute: $36 (honor a special woman in your life whose name will
be listed in our program)

**Featured Sponsorship Opportunities:
Chai Risers - $360 (included 8 reserved places, listing in program and video) )
Challah Mavens - $180 (includes 4 reserved places, listing in program and video)
The Evening includes: a marketplace, all of your baking supplies; an apron; refreshments, and more!

Space is limited. Register early!
For information contact: [email protected]

This event is brought to you by Hebraica at the MARJCC, Three Under 2 Foundation, Anny’s Bread Factory


Michael-Ann Russell JCC

18900 NE 25th Avenue

North Miami Beach, FL 33180


Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps


To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2022-02-24 18:00:00 2022-02-24 21:15:00 America/New_York Michael Ann Russell JCC Hebraica 4th Annual Challah Bake and Marketplace Come join a diverse group of Jewish women and girls of all ages & stages from Dade and Broward Counties to benefit the Three Under Two Foundation and Hebraica’s Maskirut Leadership Training. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/marjcc_hebraica_4th_annual_callah_bake) Michael-Ann Russell JCC, North Miami Beach, FL 33180 Diani Azout [email protected]
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