Jan 9, 2025
Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach Unites With 3GMiami

In the face of staggering antisemitism, sharing the lessons of the Holocaust with new generations is critical, which is why the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach has united with 3GMiami. The Memorial, a Committee of Federation, has joined forces with 3GMiami, a nonprofit founded by Julie Paresky, Stephanie Rosen and other grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors. Their goal is to educate students about the dangers of intolerance and combat antisemitism and all forms of hate by sharing their families’ testimonies. Since its inception in 2021, 3GMiami has trained dozens of speakers. Its 80 passionate volunteers (all descendants of Holocaust Survivors) have reached more than 12,000 students in South Florida schools through a variety of programming. To learn more about 3GMiami, contact Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach Education Outreach Manager Laura Adarve at [email protected].