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Jul 1, 2024

Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach Announces Essay Winners

“What can today’s high school students do to reduce antisemitism and all forms of prejudice in our society?” That was the writing prompt for 3GMiami’s Rita Rubinoff Goldberg Essay Contest, whose winners were announced on Holocaust Survivor Day at a luncheon presented by the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach. Comprising grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors, 3GMiami educates students on how to confront and combat all forms of hatred. The competition honors Miami Beach High School alumna Rita Rubinoff Goldberg, z”l, esteemed for her unwavering respect and kindness for all. Awards and monetary prizes were presented to three Miami Beach High School students: First Place winner Stella McLaney, who received a standing ovation for her essay about confronting ignorance and the dangers of misinformation, and Second and Third Place winners Axel Paulhiac and Natanya Rogoff, who focused on education, dialogue and building alliances to create positive change. “3GMiami helps students apply the lessons of the Holocaust to their lives today and be upstanders in the face of hatred, bigotry and antisemitism,” 3GMiami Co-Founder Stephanie Rosen (pictured far right) told luncheon attendees, adding, “The submissions we received were incredible, providing hope during these challenging times.” The Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach is a Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

High Holiday Welcome Program Now Open

High Holiday Welcome Program Now Open

As a service to our community, Federation and the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami, along with many local synagogues, are making the High Holiday Welcome Program available to unaffiliated individuals in Miami-Dade County so everyone can experience the richness of these special days.

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Surfside Hero, Col. Golan Vach, Injured in Gaza

Surfside Hero, Col. Golan Vach, Injured in Gaza

Federation and Jewish Miami are sending blessings of refuah shlemah (get well wishes) to local hero Col. (res.) Golan Vach who was recently injured in a tunnel collapse in Gaza as he was preparing it for demolition.

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Supporting Israel’s Displaced Children

Supporting Israel’s Displaced Children

Supported by Federation and our partners and developed by Habaita (Homeward), the six-week program for fourth- through 12th-grade students welcomed students from the western Negev, allowing them to reconnect with their schoolmates and teachers, engage in both studies and recreation — and just be kids again!

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Sunset Over Miami Is September 25

Sunset Over Miami Is September 25

Presented by the Federation’s Real Estate Division, the event invites architects, attorneys, brokers, builders, contractors, developers, lenders and professionals affiliated with these trades to a chic cocktail reception in the heart of Miami’s Design District.

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