Jan 30, 2023
Israeli Consulate Attends Federation’s Food Drive

Deputy Consul General of Israel for Florida Mike Driquez and members of the Miami-based Israeli Consulate staff helped serve more than 520 families at Federation's Free Kosher Food Distribution Drive-Thru last week. They joined more than two dozen volunteers to distribute food packages to the two long lines of cars that drove through the parking lot of Federation’s Stanley C. Myers Building. Recipients took home kosher meat and non-perishable food products, as well as challah and locally grown fruits and vegetables. The distribution was coordinated by Federation's Jewish Volunteer Center in collaboration with Federation’s primary human services agency Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Farm Share and Repair the World. This marks the 40th food distribution hosted by Federation since March 2020 in response to the pandemic. While the opportunity is open to anyone in need, it is a unique opportunity for members of the Jewish community facing food insecurity who follow strict kosher dietary laws. Please click here for a list of generous donors supporting our work to combat food insecurity.