Jan 23, 2025
Jewish Miami Roars at the International Lion of Judah Conference

Nearly 60 Miami Lions of Judah joined 1,700 of the most dedicated women philanthropists at the International Lion of Judah conference over three powerful and emotional days last week in Atlanta. This was the first conference since October 7 and participants heard from many speakers, including the First Lady of Israel, Michal Herzog, who received the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Award for her leadership in exposing the systematic sexual crimes perpetrated on October 7, and Rachel Goldberg-Polin, who was honored with the inaugural Lion of Valor Award for her tireless advocacy for Israeli hostages. Together, attendees raised $36 million. Federation Chair of the Board Lily Serviansky received the Kipnis Wilson/Friedland Award, given by each community to an outstanding leader. Created in 1972 by Norma Kipnis Wilson and Toby Friedland, both of blessed memory, the Lion of Judah is now an international symbol of commitment to the global Jewish community with more than 20,000 women.