Apr 17, 2024
A More Festive Passover, Thanks to the Schottenstein Foundation
The Saul Schottenstein Foundation is once again helping individuals and families in our Jewish community facing food insecurity with a powerful act of tzedakah. The generous donation provides grocery gift cards four times a year to clients of the Kosher Food Bank of Jewish Community Services, the primary human service agency of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Given in conjunction with their regular food packages, this thoughtful contribution allows clients to shop for something personal for their table — ingredients for the traditional family dessert, a bouquet of flowers or a favorite activity for the children. Gift cards are also distributed in advance of July 4th, Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah. With members of our community feeling the effects of inflation, this mitzvah offers people support with dignity and a reminder that they are part of a loving Jewish community. If you or someone you know needs help, please call our Jewish community’s confidential helpline 24/7 at 305.576.6550.