Oct 25, 2023
Federation Partners with SCN to Release New Online Form to Report Antisemitic Incidents and Threats

Our Federation has launched a new online form for the public to report threats, incidents and suspicious activity related to Jewish organizations, facilities or community members. Federation's Office of Community Security has partnered with more than 40 other Jewish federations and the Secure Community Network (SCN), the official safety and security organization for the Jewish community in North America. The new form is online now at JewishMiami.org. It can be used to report in-person assaults or threats; suspicious persons or activities; property damage or vandalism; threatening or suspicious phone calls, text messages or social media; suspicious packages or letters; spam and phishing emails; antisemitic or threatening flyers; or other similar incidents of concern to the Jewish community. Information reported through the form is sent immediately to Federation’s security professionals and the 24-hour Duty Desk in SCN’s National Jewish Security Operations Command Center.