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Jan 13, 2021

Partnership With Mt. Sinai Helps Holocaust Survivors Obtain Vaccinations Against COVID-19


Thanks to a partnership with Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Miami’s treasured Holocaust Survivors have begun to be vaccinated for COVID-19. The crisis has impacted everyone, but for aging Survivors, who began their lives amidst unimaginable horror, the pandemic poses special psychological, emotional and health concerns. "The welfare of our community’s Survivors is of paramount importance to Federation and to our entire community,” said Federation President and CEO Jacob Solomon. With this in mind, Federation is working with our primary human service agency, Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS) and Mt. Sinai Medical Center to administer vaccines to Survivors at Mt. Sinai.

"JCS' partnership with Federation and Mt. Sinai to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to our Survivors represents an ongoing commitment and treasured alliance that provides a strong and resilient safety net to the most vulnerable members of our community," said JCS President Miriam Singer.

Miami-Dade County is home to approximately 1,800 Holocaust Survivors and many rely on Federation’s agencies and services for meals, home care, social support and more. The effort to get them vaccinated is part of Federation’s commitment to be a safety net for the most vulnerable among us. Solomon added, “I was deeply moved by Mt. Sinai’s immediate and enthusiastic response to our request for assistance and I am grateful for the care and compassion JCS constantly provides to our Survivors and other vulnerable members of our community. This is a great example of the great things that are accomplished when a community works together."

High Holiday Welcome Program Now Open

High Holiday Welcome Program Now Open

As a service to our community, Federation and the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami, along with many local synagogues, are making the High Holiday Welcome Program available to unaffiliated individuals in Miami-Dade County so everyone can experience the richness of these special days.

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Surfside Hero, Col. Golan Vach, Injured in Gaza

Surfside Hero, Col. Golan Vach, Injured in Gaza

Federation and Jewish Miami are sending blessings of refuah shlemah (get well wishes) to local hero Col. (res.) Golan Vach who was recently injured in a tunnel collapse in Gaza as he was preparing it for demolition.

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Supporting Israel’s Displaced Children

Supporting Israel’s Displaced Children

Supported by Federation and our partners and developed by Habaita (Homeward), the six-week program for fourth- through 12th-grade students welcomed students from the western Negev, allowing them to reconnect with their schoolmates and teachers, engage in both studies and recreation — and just be kids again!

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Sunset Over Miami Is September 25

Sunset Over Miami Is September 25

Presented by the Federation’s Real Estate Division, the event invites architects, attorneys, brokers, builders, contractors, developers, lenders and professionals affiliated with these trades to a chic cocktail reception in the heart of Miami’s Design District.

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