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Be Part of the Jewish Community's Response to Help Victims of Hurricane Dorian

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation has established an Emergency Relief Fund to assist those affected by Hurricane Dorian.

One hundred percent of funds donated to Hurricane Dorian relief will be used to provide critically needed aid to those in the Bahamas and other affected areas.

Click here to make a donation.

While no one knows the ultimate path of the storm, the extent of the need is already clear.

Our community has decades of experience with hurricanes. We understand the devastation and suffering that follows a catastrophic storm like Hurricane Dorian. Let us join together to help those affected — wherever they may live — to rebuild their lives. We cannot help but be grateful to have been spared a direct hit in Miami-Dade County. Please give as generously as you can to assist with the immediate needs in the aftermath and long-term recovery for those who were not as fortunate.

We will continue to monitor the storm and assess its impact on other communities so we can provide assistance to those affected.


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