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One Happy Camper Grants for First-Time Campers

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One Happy Camper is a program of the Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC) in partnership with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and Jewish overnight camps across North America. One Happy Camper provides grants of UP TO $1,000 to families with children attending non-profit, mission-driven Jewish overnight camp for the first time.

Eligibility criteria for first-time campers:

  • Miami-Dade County resident
  • For ages 8–17
  • Attending public school or non-Jewish private school
  • Attending a non-profit, Jewish, overnight camp listed on Find A Camp
  • Enrolled in camp for a minimum of 12 consecutive days
  • Has not previously attended Jewish camp (Campers who previously attended camp for 11 days or less are still eligible for first-time camper grants.)
  • Jewish day school or yeshiva students are not eligible but may be eligible for a need-based scholarship

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