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Recent posts tagged: latin

Results: 161 to 170 of 594

The Power of Knowledge: Yodeah Educates the Jewish Community About Hereditary Breast Cancer Risks

Everyone knows October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but few know that 1 in 40 Ashkenazi Jews — both men and women — carries a BRCA mutation, which can significantly increase their risk of cancer.Yodeah, a Federation-supported nonprofit, educates the Jewish community about hereditary cancer genetic mutations and provides access to affordable, clinical-grade testing. The volunteer-led organization is hosting The Power of Knowledge: How Knowing About Your Genetics Can Save Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love on Tuesday, October 25 at 7 p.m. Dr. Liz Etkin-Kramer, Yodeah founder and gynecologist, will facilitate the virtual conversation with Dr. Elisa Krill-Jackson, an oncologist specializing in breast cancer; Dr. Matthew Schlumbrecht, gynecological oncologist; and Morgan Weinblatt, who will share her courageous story of the proactive steps she chose to mitigate her risk of developing cancer once learning she was BRCA positive.

Click here to register for the free event.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

3G Miami: Stand Against Hate

Comprised of grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors, 3GMiami shares our grandparents’ stories of survival and testimonies from the Holocaust with students in Miami to help them learn from the past and be upstanders in the face of hatred and bigotry.

REGISTER HERE and join us for a cocktail party to learn more about 3G and how you can support our work,

Event Flyer

Join JCRC to Learn About Israeli Elections

Israelis will be heading into their fifth election since 2019! Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) invites you to attend an informative discussion about the upcoming Israeli elections at the Michael-Ann Russell JCC — Elections In Israel: Peace, Politics And Plutonium — on Wednesday, October 26. Executive Director and Executive Editor of HonestReporting, Gil Hoffman, will be discussing internal and external factors impacting how Israelis might vote this November. Hoffman’s many years of experience, especially as a former political correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, will help provide an insider's look at Israeli politics. Click here for more information and to RSVP.

Gil Hoffman Flyer

Bryan Mark Rigg: Conquering Learning Disabilities

In honor of ADHD Awareness Month, Alper JCC Miami presents Bryan Mark Rigg and his book Conquering Learning Disabilities at Any Age: How an ADHD/LD Kid Graduated from Yale and Cambridge and Became a Marine Officer, Military Historian, Financial Advisor, and Caring Father. With his gifts for academic research and storytelling, Riggs shares his story of triumphing over adversity. As a child, Bryan was a tornado who couldn’t speak intelligibly or control his temper. Today, he speaks two languages, earned a Ph.D., served in the Israel Defense Forces and the U.S. Marine Corps, taught at the university level, worked on Wall Street, and built a successful financial services firm. All from a boy who couldn’t read or write until he was eight! His journey is a blueprint for creating a life that works with neurological differences, and not against them.

In partnership with Alper JCC Miami's Tikvah and Inclusion Programs and Chabad Pinecrest/Kendall Friendship Circle

Conquering Disabilities Event Details


Newish & Jewish With YLD

Newish and Jewish

Thursday, October 27 Thursday, November 17 Tuesday, December 13

Attendance is encouraged on all three dates. Your pod leaders will be contacting you to set up the time and location. Registration fee: $25 per person Register by Monday, October 17 at 10am.

CLICK HERE to register.

For more information, please contact Rachel Front at [email protected] or 219.455.8797.

Hurricane Ian Victims Still Need Our Help

Hurricane Ian

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation continues working hand-in-hand with neighboring federations and The Jewish Federations of North America to provide critical assistance to individuals and families impacted by Hurricane Ian.

We have provided financial support to a senior living facility in Sarasota that has offered emergency housing to older adults who were displaced due to the storm. Additionally, we have partnered with Cadena, an emergency response nonprofit, which immediately distributed solar lamps, water filtration devices and hygiene kits to low income families whose homes were flooded. We are also working with the Federations of Naples and Charlotte & Lee Counties to provide financial assistance to those whose homes were damaged or destroyed. If you have not yet contributed to our Hurricane Ian Emergency Fund, please click here to make a secure donation. As always, Federation will absorb all administrative costs so that 100 percent of funds donated to Hurricane Ian relief will provide critically needed aid to both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities affected by this catastrophic storm.

Jewish Leadership Academy Open House

Open House Registration

We are delighted that you will be joining us at our first-ever Open House! This event is designed for prospective parents and prospective students. It is an opportunity for you to meet some of our staff members, learn more about our program and our unique admission process. Sunday, October 30, 2022.


AFTERNOON SESSION Check-in will start at 1:30 pm. The program will begin promptly at 2:00 pm.

FIU Biscayne Bay Campus WUC-Wolf University Center 3000 NE 151st St, North Miami, FL 33181

Parking information and other details about this event will be sent in a separate email.

To RSVP, please click here

Keshers Annual Shopping Market

Kloda Whitebook Kesher Academy's Annual Shopping Market celebrating it's 20th year. Amazing Vendor's all under one roof for all of your holiday and personal needs. Thursday, October 20th from 10am-7pm and The MARJCC Free admission

Bryan Mark Riggs Conquering Learning Disabilities at Any Age

How an ADHD/LD Kid Graduated from Yale and Cambridge and Became a Marine Officer, Military Historian, Financial Advisor and Caring Father With his gifts for academic research and storytelling, Riggs shares his story of triumphing over adversity.

Today, he speaks two languages, earned a PhD, served in the Israel Defense Forces and the U.S. Marine Corps, taught at the university level, worked on Wall Street, and built a successful financial services firm. All from a boy who couldn’t read or write until he was eight! His journey is a blueprint for creating a life that works with neurological differences, and not against them.

Click here to buy tickets.

Event Details

Hadassah Walks for Breast Cancer Research

Join friends and family all over Florida for our first annual Hadassah Walks for Breast Cancer Research!

Medications and protocols developed by Hadassah’s medical staff are used by the world’s advanced cancer treatment centers. We all know someone whose life has been touched by breast cancer. Let’s show our support for those we love and help raise funds for research. Learn more

Event Summary

Hadassah Walk

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