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Results: 1231 to 1240 of 2361

Resilience Program for South Florida

The Community Resilience Training Program is a two-part online seminar which introduces community members with the basic knowledge and tools necessary to support them in strengthening their community's resilience during crises in their home locality.

The training is designed for community members who are playing an active role in their communities representing various roles and disciplines, including: community leaders, religious leaders, social workers, educators, medical professionals, etc.

Participants will engage in group exercises and case studies delivered by IsraAID’s protection team and field staff.

Online Training Dates- S. Florida Area Trainings start at 12:00 pm EST and will last 3.5-4 hours:

December 9, 2020 | Seminar 1: Intro to Emergency Response and Strengthening Community Resilience December 16, 2020 | Seminar 2: Psychological First Aid and Self-Care

*Attendees are required to attend both sessions

Click here to register and more information.

TOMORROW: Hope and Healing From the Darkness. Inspiration for Chanukah for Those Experiencing Loss

Monday, December 7, 2020 6:30-8:00 pm

Mishkan Miami Invites you to a Special Uplifting Journey as we move through the Hanukkah holiday and into the New Year!


Rabbis Frederick Klein and Cheryl Weiner and Cantorial Soloist Laura Lenes

Experience words of comfort for those who are experiencing grief--- the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the loss of connection with others due to the pandemic.

Learn skills, activities, rituals that help us cope with grief and loss through the holidays.

Discover how we can support each other in this challenging time.

Listen to music, songs, and blessings that soothe the soul.

Share how we can bring our inner source of light to illuminate the world.

                   Register in advance for this meeting:

Shine Your Light: PJ Library Kids Celebrates Chanukah

At Chanukah, we celebrate how light – in all its forms – can triumph over any darkness. Creating this light in every moment and every interaction is a choice. Whether itʼs a meal for someone hungry, support for a friend in crisis or simply a smile and kind word for someone in need, making light is what itʼs about. We will make all kinds of light as we enjoy a Chanukah story time, create our very own Dreidel Suncatchers and build delicious Marshmallow Menorahs!

Click here for missing supplies!

Click here to RSVP!

Find Comfort and Solace

As the coronavirus crisis continues, the power of prayer can provide inspiration. It links us to G-d and one another. Here are some words that you can turn to for those in need of healing and hope. Click here.

Shalom Baby Goes Virtual

Shalom Baby, offered by Temple Beth Sholom, wants to help new parents-to-be welcome their baby with confidence. The childbirth education class welcomes pregnant women (20 weeks+) and their partners for experiential training on childbirth and conversation about traditional and new Jewish rituals for welcoming your baby into world. Also included are three follow up sessions featuring tips from a pediatrician, lactation and sleep consultants and a post-partum mental health psychologist, among others. Click here for more information and to register.

Explore the Virtual Jewish Experience Shuk

Offering nearly 100 unique, high-quality experiences, the Experience Shuk is the largest centralized marketplace of cutting-edge live and on-demand Jewish virtual engagement for camps, informal educators and families. Searchable by a variety of functions including age of participants, cost, programmatic specialty and language, once you identify an experience of interest, you can easily connect to the content provider to plan meaningful programs together. The Virtual Jewish Experience Shuk is part of the Jewish Camp @ Home project, a shared initiative of Foundation for Jewish Camp and Mosaic United. Take a look around by clicking here.

Kabbalat Shabbat for the Whole Family

Join Portland-based musician Alicia Jo Rabins for a weekly Kabbalat Shabbat Fridays at 5:30PM ET. Click here to get the Zoom link and a weekly reminder.

Free Kosher Food Distribution at Greater Miami Jewish Federation on December 10

Thursday, December 10
9-11 a.m.

First come, first served while supplies last.
Please do not arrive before 9 a.m.

Click here for more info

Hope and Healing for Your Holiday

Mishkan Miami Invites you to a Special Uplifting Journey as we move through the Hanukkah holiday and into the New Year!

Zoom Social Media Workshop

Title: JWorks Miami Workshop - Social Media Job Search Skills: Thursday, December 10th

Journal Entry:

JWorks Miami invites you to attend a FREE * Social Media Job Search Skills* workshop on Thursday, December 10th, 10:30am-12:30 pm.

These days, social media is a critical part of the job search. Gain insight and ideas for your social media job search strategy:

The agenda will include:

* Online job search resources

* Searching employment websites

* Making LinkedIn work for you

* Elevator pitch

These events are also a great way for JWorks Miami staff to get to know you! Please note, we are unable to refer you to available opportunities unless we have met you in person.

Please RSVP at JWorks Miami - RSVP is required! Workshop will begin promptly at 10:30am, arrive a few minutes prior and dress to impress, business casual is recommended.

If you have any questions please visit our website or call us at 305-403-6554.

We look forward to seeing you!

The JWorks Miami Team

JWorks Miami is a partnership of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Jewish Community Services of South Florida

[email protected]

305-403-6554, option 1

Results: 1231 to 1240 of 2361