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Results: 1281 to 1290 of 2364

PJ Story Squad 2020

Like most everything this year, Hanukkah will be different… Though our PJ Story Squad may not be able to physically visit our children’s’ schools to bring Hanukkah fun, Alexandra Alazrachi, Karina Herman & Caryn Shapiro-Pardo, Program Co-Chairs, are thrilled to be able to offer a VIRTUAL PJ Library Hanukkah experience to all interested classrooms! Would you like your child’s virtual classroom to share in the fun and universal values of this seasonal celebration? Become a PJ Story Squad volunteer today to help make it happen! Help us access as many virtual classrooms as possible to introduce elementary-aged students in Miami-Dade public and private secular schools and pods to Hanukkah. The program will be offered in area schools December 7-18. To volunteer, please contact Joy Prevor at [email protected].

Join Us to Commemorate Kristallnacht

Join the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, Greater Miami Jewish Federation and Miami Jewish Film Festival for a day of films examining the Holocaust. The curated selections can be streamed free of charge beginning Sunday, November 8, 10 a.m.

Click here to register.

The world is your cholent pot - join an online event today! 11/06 to 11/07

Circumstances are a bit different his year – but at the Shabbat Project we’re pushing ahead with events, big and small, regardless. The only difference is that most of them will be online.

There are virtual challah bakes, joint city events, online Shabbat masterclasses, Shabbat cooking webcasts featuring celebrity chefs and restaurateurs, global singathons, virtual synagogue tours, and so much more.

The best thing about it is that you aren't restricted to your own city or neighborhood – the world is your cholent pot.

Visit our site to find a cool online event that speaks to you. And if you are hosting an event, add yours too!

Click HERE to check out events!

Drive-Thru Volunteer Experience: Toy Drive

Please join the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Jewish Volunteer Center and South Dade Branch for our first drive-thru toy drive in partnership with area synagogues.

Wednesday, November 11
10-11:30 AM
Dave and Mary Alper JCC
Building 3 - Circular Driveway
11155 SW 112th Avenue, Miami

Volunteer hours are available upon request.

For more information, please contact
Revital Zaldeti at 786.866.8411 or [email protected].

2021 Jewish Overnight Summer Camp Scholarships - Available Now!

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The Greater Miami Jewish Federation continues to be committed to making Jewish overnight summer camps more affordable for Miami-Dade County families. With the hopes that all summer camps will reopen this summer, The Greater Miami Jewish Federation is now accepting applications for 2021 Need-Based Jewish Overnight Summer Camp Scholarships for children between the ages of 8 and 17.

Camper Eligibility Criteria:
• Miami-Dade County resident
• Ages 8 – 17
• Completed online application, see link below
• 2019 income tax return (Form 1040)
• Camp acceptance letter or invoice

Camp Eligibility:
• Funding assistance is available for Jewish overnight camps listed on the Foundation for Jewish Camp website, click here to find an eligible camp
• summer camp must be located in the United States
• Financial assistance is limited to one session only

*Applications will be reviewed as they are received on a rolling basis.

Recognizing that Jewish overnight camp is a significant vehicle for Jewish engagement, the Annual Federation /UJA Campaign has allocated $100,000 each year since 2002 for funding assistance. Scholarships are awarded for a variety of overnight camps from all religious streams, as well as JCC overnight programs and youth group movements.

Click here to apply now!

Additional Funding Resources:
Foundation for Jewish Camp Scholarship Directory
• Contact your camp administrator to inquire about financial assistance
• Contact your rabbi or synagogue
• Interest free loans are available through the Hebrew Free Loan Association, 305.692.7555

For more information, call 786.866.8431 or email [email protected]

Greater Miami Jewish Federation Welcomes Historic Israel-Sudan Agreement

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation and its Jewish Community Relations Council enthusiastically welcome the normalization agreement between Israel and Sudan announced today, October 23, 2020. This agreement, the third in as many months, after similar breakthroughs with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, is the latest sign of a diplomatic realignment in the Middle East. It is particularly significant given the decades-long history of hostility between the two countries.

In a joint statement released by the United States, the Republic of Sudan and the State of Israel, the leaders of the three countries agreed to the establishment of ties between Sudan and Israel and the beginning of economic and trade relations with an initial focus on agriculture and aviation. We applaud President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sudanese Sovereign Council Chairman General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok for this historic move.

It is our fervent hope for additional countries to normalize relations with Israel, with the promise of long lasting peace, prosperity and security throughout the Middle East and Africa.

On JBS starting 10/25: Election Debate, Sharansky & Troy, Israel Bonds Chair, Jews & Women’s Suffrage

Watch JBS on Atlantic Broadband Ch168, Hotwire Ch269, Fios Ch798, DirecTV Ch388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to

Election Debate (MirYam Inst.)

With respect to the U.S.-Israeli relationship, Danny Ayalon (former Israeli U.S. Ambassador) and Josh Hammer (Newsweek) support the Republican Trump-Pence ticket; and Aaron David Miller (former State Dept.) and Chuck Freilich (former Israeli Dep. Nat’l Security Advisor) support the Democratic Biden-Harris ticket. A debate by the MirYam Institute with Benjamin Anthony. Thursday - 7:30pm & 12 Midnight; Friday – 1:30pm

Election 2020: Soifer/Abramson

Democratic spokesperson Halie Soifer and Republican spokesperson Bruce Abramson discuss issues of importance to pro-Israel American Jews with regard to the 2020 Presidential Elections. Thursday - 9pm & 1:30am; Friday - 3pm

Sharansky & Troy: Never Alone

Former Soviet refusenik, Natan Sharansky, discusses his nine-year imprisonment in a Soviet gulag which he describes in his book “Never Alone: Prison, Politics and My People;” and shares his view of the Jewish world today. With historian Gil Troy in a program produced by Hadassah. Monday - 8:00pm & 1am; Wednesday - 2pm; Friday - 1:30pm; Saturday – 7pm & 4am

Jews and the Suffrage Movement

The legacy of the contribution Jewish women made to the Suffrage Movement that won women the right to vote in 1920 is discussed by historians Pamela Nadell (American University), Melissa Klapper (Rowan University), and Judith Rosenbaum (Jewish Women's Archive). With Lisa Hostein a program of Hadassah Magazine. Tuesday - 8pm & 1am; Thursday - 2pm; Saturday - 8pm & 1am

L'Chayim: Israel Bonds Chair

Howard Goldstein, Chairman of the Board of Israel Bonds, describes how he came to be committed to helping the State of Israel and discusses the contribution people can make to Israel thru Israel Bonds. Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3pm; Saturday - 6pm & 12 Midnight

Refusnik Daughter

Anat Kuznetzov-Zalmanson, daughter of Soviet Refusnik Edward Kuznetsov, describes her documentary film “Operation Wedding” which tells the story of her father’s helping to plot the 1970 failed hijacking of a Soviet plane which led to 15 years in prison. Monday - 9pm & 2am; Tuesday - 3pm

Letty Pogrebin

Letty Cottin Pogrebin, a pioneering feminists (co-founding editor of Ms. Magazine) & author of ten books, including "Single Jewish Male Seeking Soul Mate", discusses her personal Jewish journey and shares her view of Jewish life today. Tuesday - 9pm & 2am; Wednesday - 3pm

92nd Street Y: Morality-Friedman/Seidman

Dov Seidman, businessman and author of “How: Why How we do Anything Means Everything,” shares his moral philosophies with New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman in a conversation entitled "How to Repair the World" at the 92nd Street Y in NYC.
Sunday - 8pm & 2am; Monday - 10pm; Tuesday - 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Friday - 8pm; Saturday - 1am & 4pm

In The News: Alan Dershowitz on Politics

Alan Dershowitz explains why he disagrees with Deborah Lipstadt’s likening Pres. Trump to a Nazi; and offers his opinion on many of the social issues raised by the Senate hearings re Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination. With Mark S. Golub. Sunday – 12 Noon & 6pm; Monday – 3pm

In The News: Senior Rabbi of Emirates

New York Rabbi Elie Abadie, MD discusses his new appointment as the Senior Rabbi of the Jewish Council of the Emirates (JCE) housed in Dubai, and describes his background and heritage – coming from a long line of Sephardic rabbis. With Mark S. Golub. Sunday - 5:30pm & 11:30pm; Monday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

Talmud: Was Abraham Observant?

As Jews this week read Parashat Lech L’Chah about Abraham, Rabbi Mordechai Becher (Senior Lecturer, Gateways Organization) discusses how the Talmud deals with Abraham’s following Jewish Law before the Torah was given at Mt. Sinai. Tuesday - 9am & 4:30pm; Thursday - 7pm; Friday - 4am

Talmud: Don't Be Pagan

Prohibitions regarding the "Ways of the Pagans" are explored. Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:00pm; Thursday - 7:30pm

Jewish 101: Original Sin

In the study of the Creation (Gen. 3), learn how classical Christianity interpreted the Adam & Eve story, and how their eating the forbidden fruit became the Original Sin and shaped western views of sexuality. Wednesday - 9am & 4:30pm; Friday - 1p

The Jewish Story Explained: Kingdom Divided

The history of the collapse of the Kingdom of David and his son Solomon when the kingdom was divided into two Jewish lands (Judah and Israel) after Solomon’s death. With Rivka Deray, a series produced by OpenDor Media. Monday - 7:15pm & 2:45am; Wednesday - 1:15pm; Thursday - 5:15am

Kabbalat & Friday Evening Shabbat Service

Friday Night

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Services - 6pm, 11:15pm & 2am

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Kabbalat Shabbat – 7:15 & 10:30pm

Shabbat Morning

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services - 9:30am & 1pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services- 11am & 2:30pm

Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

Miami’s own Jessie Gindea of Kahal and Base Miami awarded 2020 Pomegranate Prize

New York, NY – October 19, 2020 – Five emerging Jewish educators received the 2020 Pomegranate Prize today at a virtual ceremony hosted by The Covenant Foundation. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Prize, inaugurated in 2011. The 2020 recipients join a cohort of 45 others who represent the most innovative rising leaders in Jewish education.

The 2020 recipients are: Rabbi Jessy Dressin, Executive Director of Repair the World Baltimore, in Baltimore, Maryland; Jessie Gindea, Associate Director: Abroad Experiences at KAHAL: Your Jewish Home Abroad and Senior Educator for Base Miami, in Miami, Florida; Rabbi Rachel Isaacs, spiritual leader of Beth Israel Congregation in Waterville, Maine; Rabbi Jordan David Soffer, Head of School at Striar Hebrew Academy in Sharon, Massachusetts; and Laynie Soloman, Director of National Learning and a faculty member at SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva, in New York, NY.

Click HERE for more information!

Send Free Flowers to Community Heroes & Heroines Through The Shabbat Project!

There’s no better way to say you care than by giving a bunch of fresh flowers. This year, The Shabbat Project is offering you the unique opportunity to do just that.

Thanks to The Shabbat Project's generous donors, they have thousands of bouquets of fresh flowers ready and waiting to be gifted to community heroes and heroines, as well as those who could really do with a pick-me-up this Shabbat Project.

All it will cost you is a heartfelt message. The flowers, packaging and delivery are all on them!

Select your recipient from thousands of COVID-19 sufferers; doctors and healthcare workers battling it out on the frontline; volunteer first responders putting themselves in harm’s way; and elderly people who have had to cut themselves off from the world for months at a time.

In addition to showing their gratitude and bringing light and joy into people’s lives, Flowers for Shabbat is a beautiful celebration of global Jewish unity, bringing together givers and recipients of all backgrounds.

In addition, Flowers for Shabbat will give a much-needed boost to the agricultural sector, which has been hard hit by the pandemic.

Click HERE for more information!

HFLA of Miami is Offering Emergency Coronavirus Financial Impact Loans

The Hebrew Free Loan Association of Miami (HFLA), a Federation program, embodies the lessons of Mishpatim — the Jewish value that giving a loan is an even greater mitzvah than giving charity. HFLA offers a financial helping hand for situations such as medical expenses, car and housing repairs, fertility treatments, adoption costs, education expenses and more.

  • Loan applications will be reviewed in the order they are received by HFLA.
  • A video interview will be scheduled with members of our Loan Committee.
  • If approved, HFLA staff will send loan documents to the applicant via email.
  • Once all loan documents are signed and returned, HFLA will release funds to the borrower.

Complete, sign and email the application to: [email protected]

Results: 1281 to 1290 of 2364