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Results: 1271 to 1280 of 2361

JBS Highlights starting 11/8:March of the Living-Kristallnacht, Post-Election Analysis, Tobin on Jewish Vote, 92Y-French Jewry, Robert Siegel-Cancer Awareness, Safran Foer, Aaron Koller

Watch JBS on Atlantic Broadband Ch168, Hotwire Ch269, Fios Ch798, DirecTV Ch388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to

March Of Living: Kristallnacht

A global commemoration of Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) “Let There Be Light,” as everyone is asked to keep the lights on for the night to symbolize a stand against antisemitism. By special presentation of the International “March Of The Living” in cooperation with The Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University and the Judischen Gemeinde Frankfurt. Monday - 7:00pm & 1:00am; Tuesday - 1:00pm

Also For Kristallnacht

L’Chayim: Ernest Michel z"l

Ernie Michel z”l, who lived through Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) in Germany and saw his synagogue burned to the ground, recalls this pogrom and his life during the Holocaust as told in "Promises to Keep: One Man's Journey Against Incredible Odds." Monday - 9:00pm & 12 Midnight; Tuesday - 3:00pm

Witness: Max Liebman

Max Liebman tells the story of his survival in the Shoah and how he witnessed Kristallnacht personally. Tuesday – 7pm & 2am

We're Still Here: Safran Foer

Author Esther Safran Foer is joined by her son Jonathan to discuss her post-Holocaust memoir “I Want You To Know We’re Still Here.” With Samantha Shokin from the Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC. Tuesday - 8:00pm & 1:00pm; Thursday - 2:00pm; Saturday – 7pm

Post-Election Analysis

In The News: Tobin on Jewish Vote

Conservative journalist Jonathan Tobin, Editor in Chief of JNS (Jewish News Syndicate), analyses the increase in the Jewish vote for Donald Trump and discusses the fracture of the Jewish community fueled by a hatred for Trump.
Monday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm; Tuesday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

JCPA: Post Election Analysis

Andrew Silow-Carroll (Editor, Jewish Week), Jodi Rudoren (Editor, The Forward) and Jonathan Tobin (Editor, JNS) analyze the results of the 2020 Elections and their significance and implications for American Jewry. With Michelle Hymer-Blitz a production of the JCPA (Jewish Council for Public Affairs). Thursday - 7:30pm & 1:30am; Friday - 10:00am

Robert Siegel: Covid & Cancer

Award-winning journalist Robert Siegel (NPR’s “All Things Considered”) discusses the challenges facing cancer research and treatment during the Covid pandemic with Dr. Mary Claire-King (University of Washington), Dr. Susan Domcheck (University of Pennsylvania), Dr. David Margel (Rabin Medical Center), Dr. Jerome Groopman (Beth Israel Medical Center) and Dr. Pamela Hartzband (Harvard Medical School) . A presentation of “Global Connections - Navigating The New Abnormal,” a production of the American Friends of Rabin Medical Center. Wednesday - 8pm & 2am; Friday - 2pm; Saturday - 8pm & 2:00am

92nd Street Y: Being Jewish In France

Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur, co-leader of the Liberal Jewish Movement of France, discusses the challenges of being a Jew in France today and suggests what Europe must do to combat nationalism and antisemitism. With Peter Rubinstein at 92nd Street Y in NYC. Sunday - 8pm & 1:30am; Monday - 10pm; Tuesday - 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Friday - 8pm; Saturday - 1am & 4pm

Jewish Book Month: Aaron Koller Author Aaron Koller (“Unbinding Isaac”) discusses the significance the Torah story of the Akedah (The Binding of Isaac) has for contemporary Jews. For Jewish Book Month by the Hampton Synagogue of Westhampton Beach, NY with Rabbi Avraham Bronstein. Wednesday - 7:00pm & 2:30am; Saturday - 10:30pm & 2:30am

On L’Chayim

Sunday: David Broza New Album

Israeli musical superstar David Broza (Yihyeh Tov) discusses his first all instrumental album, En Casa Limon, recorded in Madrid, in which he proves to be a brilliant guitarist and song-writer without singing a single note. Sunday - 12 Noon Sunday - 6:00pm; Monday - 3:00pm

Steven Ludsin

For JBS’s commemoration of Kristallnacht, Steven Ludsin, child of a Survivor and a charter member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, discusses why he dedicated his life to preserving the memory of the Shoah through his Remembrance of the Holocaust Foundation. Tuesday – 9:00pm & 2:00am; Wednesday – 3:00pm

Wednesday: Zach Iscol

For Veterans’ Day, Zach Iscol, a decorated Marine who served two terms in Iraq, explains why he joined the Marines, how he experienced the war and the bonds he forged with his Iraqi translator, and he now feels about military conflict.
Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3:00pm

Ken Brander, Ohr Torah Rabbi Kenneth Brander, who leaves Y.U. to succeed Rabbi Shlomo Riskin as the Pres. and Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Torah Stone educational institutions in Efrat, Israel, discusses his perspective on women’s issues relating to Jewish Law.
Thursday - 9:00pm & Midnight; Friday - 3:00pm

Saturday: Hebrew Hillbilly

Singer/songwriter/actress Shelley Fisher (known as "The Hebrew Hillbilly") discusses growing up Jewish in the heart of the Mississippi Delta (Memphis, TN), her love of Jewishness, and how her Jewish heritage has influenced her career. Saturday - 6:00pm & 12 Midnight

For Veterans’ Day

In addition a community commemoration and interviews with Jewish veterans (Wednesday 10pm), WWII Veteran Dan Roberts z”l describes his personal story, including serving in the European theater, capturing a Nazi officer, being wounded (for which he received the Purple Heart); and his love for Israel and the Jewish People. Wednesday – 10:28pm & 1:28am

Talmud: Love, Marriage & Giving

As the Jewish world reads Parashat Chayei Sarah, in which Isaac and Rebecca marry, Rabbi Mordechai Becher (Gateways Organization Senior Lecturer) discusses the Talmud's attitude towards love and marriage, and how the Jewish Tradition teaches love is the pursuit of “oneness” achieved through acts of giving.
Sunday - 9:00am; Thursday - 7:00pm; Friday - 2:00am

Talmud: Marriage

"Eight Blessings One Wedding," on the theme of marriage as found in Talmud tractates Kesuvos 7 and 8. Sunday - 9:30am; Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:00pm; Friday - 2:30am

Talmud: Morality In The Shoah

As we commemorate Kristallnacht this week, JBS presents Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s (Gateways) review of Talmudic examples of how one maintains moral integrity and Jewish identity in extreme circumstances. Tuesday - 9:00am & 4:30pm

Jewish 101: Human Nature

Learn what the Rabbis teach about the "selfish" drives within each human being (the yetzr harah), and the Jewish Tradition’s unique perspective on "Human Nature" Wednesday - 9am & 4:30pm; Friday - 1:00pm

Together Covid-19: Dr. Mevorach

Dr. Dror Mevorach, Head of a Department of Internal Medicine at Hadassah Hospital in Israel, discusses aspects of the Corona virus, describes the situation in Israel today, & explains why he favors family visiting Covid patients. With Mark S. Golub. Sunday - 5:30pm & 11:30pm

Kabbalat & Friday Evening Shabbat Services

Friday Night

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Services - 6pm, 11:15pm & 2am

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Kabbalat Shabbat – 7:15 & 10:30pm

Shabbat Morning

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services - 9:30am & 1pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services- 11am & 2:30pm

Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

Temple TE presents Amy Arlo & Almost Blue

Café TE presents:

Live Music in the Courtyard

with Amy Arlo & Almost Blue

Sunday, November 15th from 6-10 PM

$18 cover includes one drink!

Reservations are required at No Walk-ins.

Social distancing and masks will be observed.

1704 James Street. Back of Temple Emanu-El.

Israeli News Update

Weekly Israeli News Update

Join Tamar Kolumbus the Community Shlicha for an interactive Israeli News Update

Every Monday at 11 AM EST!

Zoom link:

For more information visit "Tamar Kolumbus Shlicha Miami" on Facebook

[email protected]

Join Us Virtually for Holocaust Education Week

The legacy of the Holocaust will be considered through cultural, scholarly and personal perspectives through a series of enlightening film presentations, lectures and community discussions during Holocaust Education Week, November 9-13, 2020.

Holocaust Education Week is a community-wide program of the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, a Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

All programming will be virtual and is free and open to the public. Advance registration is required. Access to each event will be e-mailed following registration confirmation.

“In memory of our father, Auschwitz Survivor Siggi B. Wilzig, and our mother, Naomi Wilzig” Donated by their children, Ivan, Sherry and Alan

CLICK HERE for more information and to register.

JBS Highlights starting Nov 1: Final Election Debates, David Broza-New Album, Jewish Book Month-Daphne Merkin, Rabin/Kahane Remembered, Dr. Mevorach on Covid

Watch JBS on Atlantic Broadband Ch168, Hotwire Ch269, Fios Ch798, DirecTV Ch388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to

Election Debate (MirYam Inst.)

Danny Ayalon (former Israeli U.S. Ambassador) and Josh Hammer (Newsweek) support Trump-Pence; and Aaron David Miller (former State Dept.) and Chuck Freilich (former Israeli Dep. Nti’l Security Advisor) support Biden-Harris. Moderated by Benjamin Anthony, founding president of the MirYam Institute. Today (Sunday) - 10:30am & 6pm; Monday - 7:30pm & 1am

Election 2020: Soifer/Abramson

In a program recorded in July 2020, Democratic spokesperson Halie Soifer and Republican spokesperson Bruce Abramson discuss issues of importance to pro-Israel American Jews with regard to the 2020 Presidential Elections. Today (Sunday) – Noon; Monday - 3pm

AJC: Election Debate – Soifer/Brook

In a reprise of their discussion at the 2019 AJC Global Forum, Halie Soifer (Jewish Democratic Council of America) and Matt Brooks (Republican Jewish Coalition) again debate current issues important to Jews in the Nov 3 Elections. With Jason Isaacson of AJC. Monday - 9pm & 12 Midnight

Talmud: Put It To A Vote

The Talmudic concept of "governing" is discussed by Rabbi Mordechai Becher, senior lecturer of Gateways Organization, in an episode entitled, "Put It To A Vote." Tuesday – 9:00am & 4:30pm; Thursday – 7:00pm; Friday – 2:00am

Talmud: Majority Rules

How Jewish Law follows the majority opinion Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:00pm; Thursday - 7:30pm; Friday - 2:30am

L'Chayim: David Broza New Album

Israeli musical superstar David Broza (Yihyeh Tov) discusses his first all instrumental album, En Casa Limon, recorded in Madrid, in which he proves to be a brilliant guitarist and song-writer without singing a single note. With Mark S. Golub. Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3:00pm

L’Chayim: Remembering Meir Kahane z”l

On November 5, 1990, Rabbi Meir Kahane (z”l) was murdered in a Manhattan hotel. The controversial leader of the Jewish Defense League and Kach Party in Israel is remembered in excerpts of "L'Chayim" interviews. Thursday – 9:00pm & Midnight; Friday – 3:00pm

Remembering Yitzhak Rabin z”l

Actor Tony Lo Bianco hosts a Jewish community commemoration of the legacy of Yitzhak Rabin on the 20th Anniversary of the Prime Minister's assassination. A program of the Consulate General of Israel from the Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center in New York. Wednesday – 8:00pm & 1:00am; Friday – 10:00am

L’Chayim: Yitzhak Rabin Remembered

Hear excerpts of a 1981 L’Chayim radio interview with Yitzhak Rabin on his role as Chief of Staff during the 1967 Six Day War Thursday - 9:30pm & 12:30am; Friday - 3:30pm

Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin: Sasso

Dr. Hillel Ben Sasson (Hebrew University) explores how the achievements made by Yitzhak Rabin are being systematically undone as Israeli politics drift further to the right and Palestinian leadership becomes more intransigent. Part of the series "20 Years Later:” A program of the Shalom Hartman Institute and the New Israel Fund. From the JCC of Manhattan. Thursday – 10:00pm & 1:00am

Israel Bonds Chair

Howard Goldstein, Chairman of the Board of Israel Bonds, describes how he came to be committed to helping the State of Israel and discusses the contribution people can make to Israel thru Israel Bonds. Tuesday - 3pm

Emanuel Aronson Rund

Filmmaker, journalist and historian Emanuel Aronson Rund shares personal memories of growing up in Israel during the 1948 War of Independence and discusses contemporary issues challenging the Jewish State today. Tuesday - 9pm & 2am; Wednesday - 3pm

Ehud Diskin

Ehud Diskin, a 7th generation Jerusalemite who served as an IDF commander during the Yom Kippur War and is now a successful businessman, talks about his career and life philosophy. Saturday - 6:00pm & 12 Midnight

Balfour Declaration: Daniel Gordis

At the 101st anniversary of the Balfour Declaration of Nov 2, 1917, Daniel Gordis discusses its significance and its impact on Israel’s Declaration of Independence. The Dr. Marcia Robins-Wilf Scholar-in-Residence Lecture, Center for Jewish History. Tuesday – 7pm & 2am; Thursday – 1pm; Saturday – 7pm & 4am

Balfour Declaration (S Bayme)

Steven Bayme, National Director of the Contemporary Jewish Life Department of the AJC, describes the history of The Balfour Declaration and the international forces that were at play. From the AJC Westchester/Fairfield at Temple Beth El in Stamford, CT. Tuesday – 8pm & 1am; Thursday – 2pm; Saturday – 8pm & 1:30am

Jewish Homeland: 1917 (Kurtzer)

For the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Yehuda Kurtzer (Pres. of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America) discusses the evolution of the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. From the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Tuesday – 10pm & 4am

92nd Street Y: Fauda (Issacharoff & Raz)

Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz discuss their Israeli hit TV series “Fauda” which follows a commando unite operating on the West Bank and which airs in the United States on Netflix. With Tatiana Siegel (Hollywood Reporter) at the 92nd Street Y in NYC. Sunday - 8pm & 2am; Monday - 10pm; Tuesday - 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Friday - 8pm; Saturday - 1am & 4pm

Jewish 101: Sex in Judaism

Human sexuality in the Jewish tradition is reviewed in an ongoing study of the story of the Garden of Eden, including the rabbinic view of female sexuality, birth control, and the day most appropriate for sexual relations. . Wednesday - 9am & 4:30pm

Abraham As Lawyer: Dershowitz

As the Jewish world reads parasha Vayeira from the Book of Genesis, which includes the portion where Abraham argues with God for the sake of ten righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah, Alan Dershowitz discusses Abraham as “the world’s first Jewish lawyer.” Friday – 9:00am

Inspiring Albania: PM Edi Rama

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama tells the story of how his country sheltered Jews during the Holocaust and how Albania was the only Nazi-occupied country of Europe that had an increase of Jews during the Shoah. With David Schwammenthal of the AJC. Monday - 10:00am & 4:30pm

ITN: Blocking Erekat At Harvard Neal Sher, who headed America’s efforts to find Nazis hiding in America, describes his efforts to prevent the PLO’s Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat, the architect for “Pay for Slay,” from teaching at Harvard this coming semester. With Mark S. Golub Sunday - 5:30pm & 11:30pm; Monday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

Together Covid-19: Dr. Mevorach

Dr. Dror Mevorach, Head of a Department of Internal Medicine at Hadassah Hospital in Israel, discusses aspects of the Corona virus, describes the situation in Israel today, & explains why he favors family visiting Covid patients. With Mark S. Golub. Monday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm; Tuesday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

The Jewish Story: Losing Israel

A look at the 150 years that marked the beginning of the end of the first sovereign kingdom of the Jewish People in Israel, beginning with the late 8th Century BCE. “The Jewish Story Explained,” a series from OpenDor Media hosted by Rivka Deray. Monday - 7:15pm & 2:45am; Wednesday - 1:15pm

Jewish Book Month: Daphne Merkin

Author Daphne Merkin reads excerpts from her romantic novel “22 Minutes of Unconditional Love” and discusses themes of the book. A series produced for Jewish Book Month by the Hampton Synagogue of Westhampton Beach, NY with Rabbi Avraham Bronstein. Saturday – 10:30pm & 2:30am

Friday Night Services

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Services - 6pm & 11:15pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Kabbalat Shabbat – 7:15 & 10:30pm

Shabbat Morning Services

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services - 9:30am & 1pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services- 11am & 2:30pm

*Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

Join the PJ Story Squad 2020

Like most everything this year, Hanukkah will be different… Though our PJ Story Squad may not be able to physically visit our children’s’ schools to bring Hanukkah fun, Alexandra Alazrachi, Karina Herman & Caryn Shapiro-Pardo, Program Co-Chairs, are thrilled to be able to offer a VIRTUAL PJ Library Hanukkah experience to all interested classrooms! Would you like your child’s virtual classroom to share in the fun and universal values of this seasonal celebration? Become a PJ Story Squad volunteer today to help make it happen! Help us access as many virtual classrooms as possible to introduce elementary-aged students in Miami-Dade public and private secular schools and pods to Hanukkah. The program will be offered in area schools December 7-18. To volunteer, please contact Joy Prevor at [email protected].

PJ Story Squad 2020

Like most everything this year, Hanukkah will be different… Though our PJ Story Squad may not be able to physically visit our children’s’ schools to bring Hanukkah fun, Alexandra Alazrachi, Karina Herman & Caryn Shapiro-Pardo, Program Co-Chairs, are thrilled to be able to offer a VIRTUAL PJ Library Hanukkah experience to all interested classrooms! Would you like your child’s virtual classroom to share in the fun and universal values of this seasonal celebration? Become a PJ Story Squad volunteer today to help make it happen! Help us access as many virtual classrooms as possible to introduce elementary-aged students in Miami-Dade public and private secular schools and pods to Hanukkah. The program will be offered in area schools December 7-18. To volunteer, please contact Joy Prevor at [email protected].

Join Us to Commemorate Kristallnacht

Join the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, Greater Miami Jewish Federation and Miami Jewish Film Festival for a day of films examining the Holocaust. The curated selections can be streamed free of charge beginning Sunday, November 8, 10 a.m.

Click here to register.

The world is your cholent pot - join an online event today! 11/06 to 11/07

Circumstances are a bit different his year – but at the Shabbat Project we’re pushing ahead with events, big and small, regardless. The only difference is that most of them will be online.

There are virtual challah bakes, joint city events, online Shabbat masterclasses, Shabbat cooking webcasts featuring celebrity chefs and restaurateurs, global singathons, virtual synagogue tours, and so much more.

The best thing about it is that you aren't restricted to your own city or neighborhood – the world is your cholent pot.

Visit our site to find a cool online event that speaks to you. And if you are hosting an event, add yours too!

Click HERE to check out events!

Results: 1271 to 1280 of 2361