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The Network x OneTable Present Friday Night Lights 03.06.2020

Friday Night Lights: Celebrate Shabbat Across Miami

Realtor Luncheon at The Gordon School


All realtors are invited to enjoy mimosas and a catered lunch at The Gordon School!

Thursday, March 5, 2020 from 12 pm to 1 pm at The Gordon School 2625 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33129

Come learn about The Gordon School's strong community, inspiring students, dedicated educators, and our program offerings. Find out how we can create a partnership to help serve our local community! Lunch is free to attend.

RSVP here!


Sylvia Tuman College Scholarships Now Available » Read More

Attention, college and graduate students! Apply now to receive a grant from the Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program, administered by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

The Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program provides a limited number of scholarships for Jewish students who require financial assistance to further their education. Students must be enrolled or accepted into an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program at a college or university located in Miami-Dade or Broward counties. Preference is given to institutions in Miami-Dade County.

Application deadline: June 1, 2020.

Click here
for more information and to apply.

An additional resource available for your consideration is an interest-free loan from the Hebrew Free Loan Association, a subsidiary of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. For more information, please visit or call 305-692-7555.

How Artificial Intelligence Helps Students to Get a Degree

College students are being taught a lot of things. They gain skills that set them on the career track they choose. They also deal with a lot of essay writing, even though most topics and assignments seem completely unnecessary. The thing that students can’t learn easily is “how to handle college with less stress and learn more in less time.”

The costs of higher education are getting higher by the semester. Students are burdened by the need to get a scholarship, choose the right major, and deliver excellent results on every single course in order to keep that scholarship. It’s a tough process and students need assistance. This is where Artificial Intelligence plays an important role.

How AI Helps Students Reach Their Degrees

1. Chatbots Are the Real Deal

Wayne State University managed to increase its graduation rates from 24% to 46% within six years. This is a major achievement. The staff understood that students were facing problems. Without any action on the school’s side, they would continue struggling and the graduation rates would continue dropping.

In 2018, Wayne State University introduced a chatbot at its website. This was only one of several steps the staff took to support students through their journey towards a degree. Chatbots were ridiculous when they first started appearing. But technology got quite sophisticated, and it’s able to deliver useful answers very quickly. This chatbot achieved great results by answering questions with a conversational tone. According to the University’s reports, it contributed towards an enrollment boost by 14.6%, but it also helped current students to get the assistance they needed.

The bot answers questions about financial aid, debt handling, and returning to college after a longer break.

2. Content Automation Tools Make Academic Writing Easier

Content automation tools are still not sophisticated enough to replace a real essay writer. These are programs that take data and turn it into a narrative. They may also paraphrase text, so the content would run clean through plagiarism detection engines. This is the kind of writing helper that most students would love to have.

AI writing technology is still under development. It can’t produce clean and unique content yet. As a comparison, expert college essay writing service Edubirdie has the best essay writers who complete content upon a student’s request. They produce high-quality papers that students can learn for. That’s not artificial technology; it’s an actual writer offering homework help online. AI will become more advanced in the future, so many students will avoid buying papers online.

Will they be able to easily write papers through a program? Hardly. They may get paraphrased content. But if it’s good, the student can use it as a base for their own project. They will find it easier to organize a paper and commit to a focused writing process.

3. Grading Can Become an Automated Process

Are grades fair? That’s a question that every student has had so far.

Introverted and socially anxious students don’t like being the center of attention. However, many of them have great listening skills. They understand what the teacher says and know the answers. They have opinions. However, they are outshined in the classroom because they cannot fit in like extroverts can. When social anxiety kicks in, it’s impossible for a student to speak up. These students usually do better on written tests, but they still get lower grades.

Other students face a fear of tests. They get completely blocked and cannot write a single answer although they prepared well.

What about essays? Is it fair for a teacher to rely on their personal taste when grading them? Someone writes a brilliant essay on a controversial topic but the teacher doesn’t agree with the arguments. They can grade it poorly and make any excuse for that. Some students like getting creative with the structure, but a conservative professor won’t like that they didn’t stick to the 5-paragraph format. It doesn’t mean that the essay is worse than the one with a higher grade. There has to be a better way. Essay-grading software is an idea that’s still in development, but it can change things. Multiple-choice tests are already being graded by programs, and AI is doing that pretty well. There’s potential, and we should be supportive of it.

AI Will Change the Future of Education

Artificial intelligence is changing the way students learn and how quickly they acquire skills. We haven’t seen major changes in this field, but the potential is there. Schools, teachers, and students can use AI systems to make different aspects of the studying process easier.

First and foremost, AI gives students access to quick and correct answers. They don’t have to wait for the right time and go to different offices to get answers about financial aid, admissions, and all kinds of inquiries. A chatbot is very useful in delivering information. Academic writing should also become easier in the future thanks to AI, and grading will definitely become more fair.

These are only the beginnings. We’re going through an exciting era in education, and we’ll witness bigger steps in this evolution.

BIO: Ray Campbell is a blogger and writer with education as a main interest. He was always interested in finding ways to make learning easier and more accessible. Ray discusses different educational systems through his blog posts, with a goal to discover the perfect one.


Amazing, out-of-this-world Street Party with Live Music, Food, Games, Fireworks, Farbrengen & the whole Megillah! No charge. Must RSVP! Family Party 5:15pm / Rocking Youth Party 7:00pm. Info & RSVP at (305) 770-1919 or

Watch JBS on Atlantic Broadband Ch168, Hotwire Ch269, Fios Ch798, DirecTV Ch388, Blue Stream Ch 110, Roku under "educational" and streamed on from Feb 23-March 1

For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to

WZC Election Introduction

An overview of what the World Zionist Congress Elections are, how they work, the slates running to become delegates to the 38th World Zionist Congress, and what the delegates do once they are elected. Tuesday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm; Wednesday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm; Thursday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm

LIVE: WZC Election Forum #1

JBS’s exclusive World Zionist Congress Election Forum #1 with schedule representatives from the slates of Arza, Hatikvah, Herut, Ohavei Zion and ZOA. Moderated by Rabbi Mark S. Golub, Shahar Azani and Teisha Bader. Live from JBS Studios. Tuesday – 7pm & 12 Midnight; Wednesday - 1pm

LIVE: WZC Election Forum #2

JBS’s exclusive World Zionist Congress Election Forum #1 with schedule representatives from the slates of Dorshei Torah, Mercaz, Mizrachi, Shas Olami. Moderated by Rabbi Mark S. Golub, Shahar Azani and Teisha Bader. Live from JBS Studios. Wednesday - 7pm & 12 Midnight; Thursday - 1pm

LIVE: WZC Election Forum #3

JBS’s exclusive World Zionist Congress Election Forum #3 with scheduled representatives from the slates of American Forum, Americans4 Israel, Kol Yisrael, Vision and Yisrael Shelanu. Moderated by Rabbi Mark S. Golub, Shahar Azani and Teisha Bader. Thursday - 7pm & 12 Midnight; Friday - 1pm

The Jake Ehrenreich Show: Ron Eliran and Vanessa Hidary

"Israel’s Ambassador of Song” Ron Eliran performs some of his most well-known songs (Sharm el Sheikh) and Vanessa Hidary (Hebrew Mamita) recites her poem on Jewish identity; and Jake inducts Steve and Eydie (z”l) Gorme into the Catskills Hall of Fame. Tuesday - 9pm & 2am; Wednesday - 3pm

Jake Ehrenreich Show: Mike Burstyn and Shecky Greene

Jake welcomes star of stage, screen, TV and Yiddish theater, Mike Burstyn and great American comic, Shecky Greene who will also be Jake’s inductee into the Catskills Hall of Fame. Wednesday - 9pm & 2am

Jake Ehrenreich Show: Tovah Feldshuh, Sarge and Elaine Grossinger

Jake welcomes comedian Sarge; star of stage, screen and television Tovah Feldshuh; and First Lady of the Catskills Resorts, Elaine Grossinger Etess, who is inducted into the Catskills Hall of Fame.
Thursday – 9pm & 2am

ADL-Coalitions to Confront Hate

A panel discussion - “Jews Can't End Anti-Semitism By Themselves: Working with Coalitions to Confront Hate,” with Wade Henderson (Former President, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights) Clarissa Martinez-de-Castro (Deputy Vice President, Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation, UnidosUS), and Jonathan Smith (Deputy Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Governor Andrew Cuomo). Moderated by Amy Feinman (Northeast Area Counsel, ADL) from the 2019 ADL National Summit at the Jacob K Javits Center in New York City. Monday - 8pm & 1am; Tuesday - 2pm

92nd Street Y: Charles Bronfman

One of the Jewish communities leading philanthropists and co-founder of Birthright Israel, Charles Bronfman, discusses his life with Rabbi Peter Rubenstein, Director of Jewish Community and Bronfman Center for Jewish Life at the 92nd Street Y. Today (Sunday) – 8pm & 2am; Monday - 10pm & 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Friday - 8:30pm & 1am; Saturday - 3pm

On L’Chayim This Week

Sunday: Scott Shay on Faith

Scot Shay, author of “In Good Faith – Questioning Religion and Atheism,” explains how his book encourages atheists to consider intelligent and powerful reasons to doubt their certainty and to be open to the reality of God. L’Chayim with Mark S. Golub.
Sunday – Noon & 6pm; Monday - 3pm

Monday: Daniel Gordis

One of the leading voices on the world Jewish scene, Daniel Gordis (Senior V.P. at Shalem College in Jerusalem), discusses American Jewish criticism of Israel, the two-state solution, and his book “Israel – A Concise History.” With Mark S. Golub. Monday - 9pm & Midnight; Tuesday - 3pm

Saturday: Chesler on Feminism

One of the Jewish community’s iconic feminists, Phyllis Chesler, Emerita Prof. of Women’s Studies, discusses her autobiography “A Politically Incorrect Feminist,” her personal rape, and the betrayal of the American feminist movement. With Mark S. Golub. Saturday - 6pm

In The News: UNRWA & Right of Return

Adi Schwartz, former editor for Ha’aretz, researcher and academic, discusses UNRWA and the Palestinian claim of a “right of return,” which he addresses in his book co-authored with Einat Wilf, “The War Of Return.” “In The News” with Shahar Azani. Sunday - 11:30pm; Monday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

From the Aleph-Bet: Lesson 18

Recognize Hebrew letters that tend to look alike in a complete review of all the Hebrew letters and vowel sounds. Monday - 9am & 4:30pm; Wednesday - 7pm; Saturday - 11am

A Night with David Makovsky on Israel's Leaders

Modern Israel’s founding fathers provided some of the boldest and most principled leadership of any nation— now Israel needs their example more than ever. At a time when the political destiny of Israel is more uncertain than at any moment since its modern founding, “Be Strong and of Good Courage” celebrates the defining generation of leaders who took the task of safeguarding the country’s future.

David Makovsky is the Ziegler distinguished fellow at The Washington Institute, and director of the Project on Arab-Israel Relations. He is an adjunct professor of Middle East studies at the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies since 2000, and was a senior advisor on Israel-Palestinian affairs in the Office of the Secretary of State during the Obama Administration. This is his third book.

Hear David Makovsky at the Miami Beach JCC, 4221 Pine Tree Drive on Monday, February 24 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available at

Scheck Hillel Nominated: 2020 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

North Miami Beach, Florida – Scheck Hillel Community School has been selected as 1 of 50 U.S. private schools nominated to receive education’s highest honor: the U.S. Department of Education's 2020 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence title. This nomination was announced in January 2020, by the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) review panel.

Every year, the U.S. Department of Education seeks out and celebrates great American schools, schools demonstrating that all students can achieve to high levels. The National Blue Ribbon Schools award affirms the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging content. National Blue Ribbon Schools are an inspiration and a model for schools achieving excellence. Awards will be announced in Fall 2020. Scheck Hillel is a 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.

About Scheck Hillel Community School
Scheck Hillel Community School educates and inspires students 18 months-Grade 12 to become exemplary global citizens with enduring Jewish identity and values through an individualized college preparatory curriculum highlighted by Design/STEM, Capstone, college dual enrollment, arts, athletics and community service. Its 14-acres include a 115,000-sq.-ft athletic complex with academic expansion plans. Set within a nurturing, diverse community, Scheck Hillel is one of the world's largest Jewish community day schools and a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. For more information about Scheck Hillel Community School or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact our Admissions office at 305.931.2831x173 or write to [email protected].

Wine Tasting & Testing

Learn how to taste wine like a pro with Wine Connoisseur & Kosher Expert, Ricardo Kasinsky. Taste an amazing selection of world class wines, paired with delicious gourmet Passover canapés! Order Wine for Purim & Passover at wholesale prices! Art, Handmade Shmura Matzah & Seder Tickets at cost price! No charge. A donation of any amount helps cover cost.

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More information at (305) 770-1919 or

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