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New Mind-Stimulating Course for Retirees

LYSA image United Jewish Generations has developed a program that retirees and seniors can enjoy from the comfort of their own home. The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy is an interactive Zoom class on Judaic topics with many seniors participating and interacting together online. The program is 100% Free.

Our newest course “Core Faith” will be starting on Monday, June 27th. Core Faith will touch upon the core values of Jewish faith and Jewish Leadership, and will be presented on 6 consecutive Mondays at 3pm-4pm (ET.) We are honored to have Rabbi Yisroel Rice, author of the 4 Keys of Kabbalah and author of courses on Mystical Jewish Life.

To join our classes please sign up at An opportunity you don't want to miss!

The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy, is a project of United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization for retirees and seniors. They offer numerous services to the community including visitations and social events. The Senior Academy offers many programs on Zoom so that senior citizens around the world can participate. They offer daily morning and afternoon classes for senior men and women. If you know of any retiree or senior citizen that may be interested, please share this info.


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