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National Jewish Endowment Initiative Tops $1 Billion in Commitments Including Over $50 Million in Miami

Nearly 800 local donors have made over $50 million in legacy commitments to support the Miami Jewish community. These commitments are part of a collaborative endowment building effort that has included 15 Jewish organizations and congregations, The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, The Jewish Federations of North America and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s (HGF) LIFE & LEGACY initiative. Nationally, more than 17,000 donors in 63 communities across North America have committed more than $1 billion in current and after-lifetime assets to Jewish organizations.

“We are so proud that Miami has been part of the LIFE & LEGACY initiative since its inception thanks to the vision of our then Foundation Chair John Bussel,” said Barbara Black Goldfarb, Founding Chair of Miami’s Create a Jewish Legacy program. “It is amazing how much we’ve accomplished together as a community during this time.”

In challenging times like these, endowments provide organizations with the financial stability to meet evolving needs. Legacy commitments ensure that organizations providing impactful programs and services during both calm and turbulent times have the necessary resources to adapt.

“CJL has made a transformational impact on our Jewish community,” said Lily Serviansky, Create a Jewish Legacy Co-Chair. “It has created a cultural shift by putting future community needs and legacy giving in the forefront of donors’ minds. At the same time, organizations in our community have a greater understanding of the importance of endowments for future financial security.”

In its eighth year, Miami’s Create A Jewish Legacy program continues to thrive. During the first four years, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation received nearly $400,000 in incentive grants from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. These grants were then distributed to those Create a Jewish Legacy partner organizations who met their goals each year over the four-year period. Although the formal partnership with the LIFE & LEGACY program ended on September 30, 2019, Miami continues to benefit from the resources and trainings the program is still providing nationally.

“Providing Jewish organizations with a strategy to help secure their long-term financial goals is absolutely vital, especially now in the middle of an economic crisis,” said Harold Grinspoon, Founder of HGF. “Supporting our Jewish institutions is critical to ensuring future generations are able to enjoy our rich culture and heritage. I am thrilled that LIFE & LEGACY is motivating donors to make legacy commitments that will sustain vibrant Jewish communities for years to come.”

“It is an honor and privilege to join such a strong, committed and vibrant Jewish community here in Miami. I am proud to stand on the shoulders of those who have come before me as we are planting the seeds for future generations. Our Foundation team stand ready to support our CJL partners in their legacy efforts,” said Scott Kaplan, Foundation Director.

To learn how you can be part of securing the Jewish future of Miami, contact Jill Hagler at [email protected] or 305.613.8606. Click here to learn more about The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

Create a Jewish Legacy is sponsored and presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and is a collaborative effort of the following area agencies, synagogues and day schools:

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