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About The Foundation

About The Foundation

The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation supports the Federation Mission through the acquisition, professional management and distribution of capital resources. The Foundation promotes philanthropy through active partnerships with individuals and families, as well as through alliances with agencies, synagogues and other community organizations.

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Resources for Donors

Resources for Donors

The Foundation offers you and your family a variety of gift-planning options to fulfill your philanthropic objectives and estate-planning goals. Learn how charitable gift planning can benefit you and your heirs while creating a lasting Jewish legacy.

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Investment and Fund Management

Investment and Fund Management

For decades, thousands of donors and their financial advisors have entrusted The Foundation to be their partners in the thoughtful planning of Jewish philanthropy and the management of charitable assets. Learn more about our commitment to you.

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Resources for Professional Advisors

Resources for Professional Advisors

The Foundation works closely with legal, accounting, investment, financial and insurance professionals to assist donors and Federation. Our Professional Advisors Council provides opportunities for individuals to network while expanding their professional knowledge and skills.

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Resources for Agencies

Resources for Agencies

Over the years, The Foundation has established relationships with Federation’s partner agencies, as well as synagogues and other organizations in Miami’s Jewish community. The staff and resources of The Foundation are available to your agency to pursue planned gifts for its benefit.

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Golden Care Foundation

Golden Care Foundation

The Golden Care Foundation, a supporting organization of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, provides seniors with advocacy, referral and support services that offer a level of added security and self-sufficiency as they age. Read more about this valuable program and how you, a loved one or a friend can benefit.

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The Center for Funds and Foundations

The Center for Funds and Foundations

The Center for Funds and Foundations provides customized support for families with donor-advised funds and supporting organizations within The Foundation. Based upon each family’s wishes and goals, we engage with the next generation of each family as appropriate.

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Meet Scott

Meet Scott

“Jewish community is the ultimate team sport,” said Scott Kaufman, Interim President and CEO of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, “and nobody has a better team than Jewish Miami!”

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Israeli Division Mini Mission

Israeli Division Mini Mission

Earlier this month, Federation’s Israeli Division hosted the fourth annual Israeli Mini Mission, crisscrossing the country to bear witness to the horrific atrocities of October 7 and see firsthand how Federation donations are helping rebuild Israeli lives and their communities.

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Base Miami Relaunches

Base Miami Relaunches

In this challenging time, engaging young Jews in a pluralistic, hospitable home of Jewish learning, culture and connection is more critical than ever. Helping in that effort are Rabbi Dvir and Shalhevet Cahana, the newly arrived resident Rabbinic couple of Federation-funded Base Miami.

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JFNA Helps Fund 16 New Mental Health Facilities

JFNA Helps Fund 16 New Mental Health Facilities

Jewish Federations are contributing approximately $7 million in a partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Health to create 16 community-based mental health centers, which will provide much-needed services to 200,000 Israelis each year.

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