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Community-Wide Interfaith Israel Solidarity Service

Monday, November 6, 7 PM

Bet Shira Congregation


A community-wide musical interfaith gathering in solidarity and support of Israel featuring cantorial vocals and instrumental and vocal ensembles.

Registration required | Refreshment served

Bet Shira Congregation, 7500 120th Street, Miami


Support for Mothers With Children in Israel

Every Monday, 8-9 PM, on Zoom

Beginning November 6

Photo of child

A weekly virtual get-together facilitated by Denise Dunager, M.S.Ed, a Mishkan Miami volunteer, trained through the Refuat Ha-Nefesh Fellows Program and a graduate of the Center for Mind Body Connection.

Having a daughter who lives in Israel, I wanted to start a group for mothers with children living in Israel. Come sit for an hour to share and end with a 15-minute meditation. Bring tea or wine and talk with others who understand.

No cost to attend | Limited to mothers of children residing in Israel

For information and to receive Zoom link, email [email protected].

The Power of Positivity: Keeping Calm in a Crisis

A webinar for those impacted by the war in Israel

Thursday, November 2, 8-9:30 PM

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Pulling from years of research and experience in the field of positive psychology, acclaimed author and educator Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar will share practical guidance to equip ourselves with tools to approach the current situation with a more positive outlook, helping us retain sanity and calm during this difficult time.


Israel at Your Kitchen Table: Strategies for Talking With Teens

WEBINAR: Thursday, November 2, 8-9:15 PM

Mother and son

Join Moving Traditions for an honest one-hour conversation about how parents and teens can keep talking about the war in Israel and Gaza even as we may find ourselves with very different sources of information, peer groups, and possible responses to the ongoing war.

Moving Traditions CEO Shuli Karkowsky will sit down with a panel of experts to talk about the psychology behind how teens process the news, strategies to foster discussion when you agree and when you don't, and how to set boundaries for discourse and root those boundaries in love. The panel will include: • Dr. Julie Hirschfeld, a psychologist and parent coach • Dr. Jonathan Golden, Director of Drew University’s Center on Religion, Culture & Conflict • Rabbi Daniel Brenner, Moving Traditions' VP of Education • Emily Levine, a Kol Koleinu Teen Feminist Fellow who attends Scarsdale High School in NY and Westchester Reform Temple


Israel at War: An Urgent Town Hall Meeting With Our Elected Officials

Thursday, November 2 at Noon on Zoom

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The horrific, unprovoked attack by Hamas terrorists on October 7 brought massive devastation, destruction and death to more than 1,400 innocent people, and more than 200 Israelis are still being held hostage in Gaza. The people of Israel are fighting for the safety and security of our Jewish homeland, nothing less.

It is important to know that the Jewish people are not alone right now and that we have the support of all people of good will, and — in particular — the men and women who represent us. Please join our four South Florida Federations and other Jewish community organizations for an opportunity to hear firsthand from our communities’ elected officials at this critical moment.


Zoom link provided upon registration

Federation's Israel Resource Page

What You Can Do To Help Support Israel

Page Banner

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation has created an Israel Resource Page with listings to educate and guide the community in how to stay informed, get involved, advocate for Israel and much more.

Learn about upcoming webinars and in-person events, how to stand up for Israel and combat antisemitism, where to contact your elected officials and how your Israel Emergency Fund donations help. Read the latest Israel news from Jewish Federations of North America and view Federation stories and videos. And be sure to check back regularly for the latest updates!


JBS Highlights 10/29-11/4: David Harris with Sharansky and Small; Yehuda Kurtzer with Chanan Weissman (Sapir Institute); Pogrebin with Elana Stein Haim

Watch JBS on Comcast X-1 Box Ch 1684, Atlantic Broadband 168, Hotwire Ch 269, DirecTV Ch 388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to



Defending Israel with David Harris, Natan Sharansky and Charles Small

David Harris is joined by two warriors for the Jewish people, Natan Sharansky, former prisoner of conscience and human rights activist, and Charles Small, a leading academic and executive director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). Sunday - 8:00pm Monday - 1:00am & 2:00pm, Tuesday - 5:00am & 10:00am

Alan Mendoza

David Harris sits with Alan Mendoza, co-founder of The Henry Jackson Society, Britain’s leading organization fighting for democracy and human rights, who discusses the explosion of antisemitism in the UK, its coverage in the media and prevalence on UK campuses. Sunday - 8:30pm Monday - 1:30am & 2:30pm, Tuesday - 5:30am & 10:30am Friday - 5:30am & 1:00pm

Shahar Azani

David Harris joins Shahar Azani in discussion during week 4 of the Hamas-triggered was with Israel. Wednesday - 8:00pm Thursday - 1:00am, 11:00am Friday - 5:00am & 1:30pm

Also this week on Defending Israel with David Harris: Columbia Law Students Wednesday 8:30pm, Thursday 1:30am

Top Story: Melanie Philips

Author and journalist Melanie Phillips joins Jonathan Tobin to discuss the eruption of antisemitism in Europe and the US, the murderous consequences of Western diplomacy, what Israel needs to do to end the circle of violence and more. Sunday - 7:00pm Monday - 12:00am, 1:00pm Wednesday - 4:00am, 4:00pm and 10pm

Yehuda Kurtzer and Chanan Weissman (SAPIR)

Chanan Weissman, director of the SAPIR Institute, and Yehuda Kurtzer, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute, discuss Yehuda’s recent trip to Israel, the deep trauma facing Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora, and the ethical considerations of Israel’s military campaign against Hamas. Monday - 7:00pm Tuesday - 4:00am & 2:00pm Wednesday - 7:00am, Thursday 10:00pm Saturday 7:00pm

In the Spotlight: Elana Stein Hain

Abigail Pogrebin sits with Elana Stein Hain, Senior Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America to discuss how our texts and teachings help us in difficult times.
Monday - 8:00pm Tuesday - 2:00am & 11:00am, Thursday - 2:00pm Saturday - 6:00pm

Rabbi Hirsch: Hamas Brutality

Rabbi Hirsch looks to the Torah for reasons yet to believe in humanity’s righteousness, even while contemplating the unfathomable brutality of October 7th. Tuesday - 7:00pm Wednesday - 2:00am & 11:00am, Thursday - 4:00am Friday - 11:00am, Saturday - 1:00am & 4:30pm

Fighting Fascism Symposium (Opening Panel)

What is Fascism? Panelists tackle this question and explore the differences between fascism and other rightwing movements by exploring their ideological and historical origins from the interwar period up to the present, in the first panel of a symposium from the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) and Center for Jewish History (CJH). Tuesday- 8:00pm Wednesday - 1:00am and 10:00am, Thursday - 5:00am & 1:00pm Saturday - 9:00pm

Israel at War, A Writer's Perspective

Historian, author and Moment columnist Fania Oz-Salzberger discusses how she’s processing the Israel-Hamas war and how she decides what to share in her writing, with Moment Book and Opinion Editor Amy E. Schwartz, in a program of Moment Magazine. Wednesday- 7:00pm Thursday - 2:00am & 7:00am, Friday - 4:00am and Saturday - 8:00pm.

Rabbi Brous: We’ve Lost So Much

In her remarks on Shabbat following the October 7th attacks, IKAR’s Rabbi Sharon Brous speaks of Jewish existential loneliness, collective sorrow, solidarity, and the Jewish values that should guide us during this tragic time. Thursday - 7:00pm Friday - 1:00am & 10:30am and Saturday - 1:30am, 8:30am & 4:00pm


Adi Vaxman - Operation IsraelAs Israel fights Hamas and with the risk of potential escalation, many came together locally to support the IDF. Adi Vaxman, an American-Israeli businesswoman and the volunteer founder of Operation Israel, shares her inspirational story. With Shahar Azani Tuesday - 7:30pm Wednesday - 2:30am, 11:30am Thursday 4:30am

Tune in Thursdays for new discussions on Israel at War with JBS hosts Shahar Azani or Teisha Bader Thursday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm Saturday - 11:30pm & 3:30am

Thinking Out Loud Micah Halpern offers analysis during week 4 of the Israel-Hamas war. Wednesday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm Thursday - 8:30am & 12:30pm


Episode 1 In this pilot episode of the hit Israeli drama series Srugim, meet Yifat and Hodaya, and their friends Reut, Nati and Amir — five modern-Orthodox singles looking for love in Jerusalem as they approach the big 3-0. Monday - 4:00am & 4:30pm, Wednesday - 9:00am & 5:00pm Friday - 4:00pm, Saturday - 5:00am

Srugim "Unraveled"

Teisha Bader brings her Israeli and American identities to bear as she is joined by Shira Kaplan, a young modern Orthodox professional living and dating in New York City, and by Laizy Shapiro, the creator of Srugim, to talk about the hit series and more. Sunday – (today) 10:30am & 10:30pm Monday - 4:30am, Wednesday - 9:30am & 5:30pm Friday - 4:30pm, Saturday - 5:30am

Good Week Israel

In the midst of a war, please tune-in to Good Week Israel for positive stories of heroism, unity and of support on a new episode this Monday. Monday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm Tuesday - 3:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm

On L’Chayim

Classic conversations with Mark S. Golub z”l about all things Israel — the people, history, security, and the wonders of the miraculous Jewish state.

A Soldier’s Mother

Leah Goldin, mother of IDF Lt. Hadar Goldin (z”l) who was murdered by Hamas in 2014, describes her more than five years of efforts to move the world community to demand Hamas comply with international norms and return her son’s body Monday - 9:00pm Tuesday - 12:00am & 3:00pm

J.T. Rogers

J.T. Rogers, whose historical drama “Oslo” played at Lincoln Center, discusses how he chose to portray Israelis and Palestinians in his fictionalized account of the secret meetings in Norway that produced the Oslo Accords. Tuesday - 9:00pm Wednesday - 12:00am & 3:00pm

Ehud Diskin

Ehud Diskin, a 7th generation Jerusalemite who served as an IDF commander during the Yom Kippur War and is now a successful businessman, talks about his career and life philosophy. Wednesday - 9:00pm Thursday - 12:00am & 3:00pm

Emanuel Aronson Rund

Filmmaker, journalist and historian Emanuel Aronson Rund shares personal memories of growing up in Israel during the 1948 War of Independence and discusses contemporary issues challenging the Jewish State today.
Thursday - 9:00pm Friday - 12:00am & 3:00pm



Dimensions of the Daf Talmud Study with Rabbi Mordechai Becher Lessons of the week begin every Sunday at 9am

Do Not Curse The Deaf Learn how the Talmud interprets the Biblical verse "You shall not curse the deaf nor put a stumbling block before the blind.” Today (Sunday) - 9:00am Tuesday - 9:00am & 5:00pm

Rabbi Becher on Israel at War

Instead of his regular Talmud lesson, Rabbi Mordechai Becher offers remarks and prayers for Israel at War. Today (Sunday) - 9:35am Tuesday - 9:35am & 5:35pm

From the Aleph Bet

Mark S. Golub z”l hosts this original series designed for anyone of any age to learn to read and understand Hebrew.

Lesson 7 Learn three new Hebrew letters, "Gimmel," "Daled," and "Yud" . Monday - 9:45am Thursday - 10:00am

Synagogue Services for Shabbat


REFORM: CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE Closed Captioned 6:00pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am

ORTHODOX: HAMPTON SYNAGOGUE With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles 7:30pm & 10:30pm


REFORM: CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE Closed Captioned 9:30am & 1:00pm

ORTHODOX: HAMPTON SYNAGOGUE With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles 11:00am & 2:30pm

Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

ATJC is Providing Help to Displaced Israeli Families

In the face of upheaval and uncertainty, we extend a heartfelt welcome to Israeli families who have recently found themselves displaced from their homes and now in Florida. We understand that embarking on a new chapter in a foreign land is a daunting prospect, and we are here to lend a helping hand.

Our mission is simple yet profound—to provide a warm and nurturing community for you and your loved ones as you try to find meaning and solace during these trying times. We understand that the journey of rebuilding is not just about physical relocation; it's about rediscovering hope, purpose, and a sense of belonging. We believe in the power of solidarity, and through our collective efforts, we strive to create a supportive environment that fosters resilience, hope, and connection.

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Kristallnacht Community Commemoration Begins Holocaust Education Week

Sunday, November 5 at 6 PM

Kristallnacht header

Federation’s community commemoration of Kristallnacht – The Night of Broken Glass – at the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach marks the start of Holocaust Education Week. “With the war in Israel and the meteoric rise in antisemitism worldwide, now is the time for the Jewish community to gather in solidarity,” said Jessica Katz, Chair of the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach. Kristallnacht, considered a major turning point in Hitler’s campaign to annihilate the Jewish people, was marked by attacks on Jews in Germany and Austria on November 9-10, 1938. The community will assemble to hear the testimony of eyewitnesses to Kristallnacht, pay tribute to Holocaust victims and honor the courage and resilience of Survivors. In memory of our Israeli brothers and sisters who were murdered in the horrific Hamas attacks that began on October 7. Location: Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, 1933-1945 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach


Holocaust Education Week, November 5-November 9

Explore the legacy of the Shoah through cultural, academic and personal perspectives in a series of film presentations, lectures and community discussions. Age-appropriate programming for students and adults. All programming is free of charge and open to the public. Advance registration is required for all events, except for the Kristallnacht program.


Event flyer

The Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach is a Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

South Dade Israel Briefing

Thursday, November 2 at 7 PM

Temple Judea, 5500 Granada Boulevard, Coral Gables

Fund logo

Come together with the South Dade community to learn more about what is happening on the ground in Israel, in real time, as well as the impact the Greater Miami Jewish Federation Israel Emergency Fund is already making for those in need. Light bites will be served. Dietary laws will be observed.

You will have the opportunity to make a meaningful donation to the Israel Emergency Fund.


For information, please contact Alexa Paul at [email protected] or 305.595.5151.


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